Our cozy Café is expanding for additional seating and community ventures!
Cafe Acores opened in July of 2020 with aspirations of bringing a little Azorean, Portuguese and European flavor to an up and coming neighborhood of Mexico City.
As we have been well received, we had planned to start looking at expansion in July 2021, but….the second floor space above us became available much earlier than anticipated, so our little 12 seat cafe is expanding!
We are currently using it for storage as well as a staging area for catering orders, but the plan is to turn this;

into this;

It will provide us with increased seating which is vital when operating at reduced capacity due to Covid-19, as well as the ability to launch 3 FREE community initiatives;
– Chess Club
Lessons, tournaments and a league!
– Tea Time Club
Conversational English sessions weekday afternoons
– Wine Club
Introducing Mexican wines to our tourist/expat clients and international wines to our Mexican clients, through tours, tastings and education. The plan is to take the wine club internationally by sharing all of our information on Mexican wines with anyone, anywhere!
This campaign is for the renovations phase of the expansion project with the money raised being used for renovations, starting sequentially with electrical, minor plumbing, painting of the ceiling and walls and finally flooring. Not exactly ‘sexy’ stuff that anyone wants to listen to us talk about at length….but it will allow us the proper space to get our community projects going, and THAT we can talk about forever!