A splash proof and oder blocking hygiene toilet seat and cover

Make Your Toilet Great Again!
Think out of the box product – Capabo Toilet Seat, Patented!
6 New Features – The Biggest enhancement ever!
Most considerable, Most Ventilation, Easy Clean, Eco-friendly
Our beliefs
Smart Home is NOT full of electrical appliances then you don’t move any of your finger but only sit back and watch Netflix or YouTube.
No matter in normal daily lives or in this global health crisis, we should raise our hygiene level and bear in mind everyday. We need to keep things simple to fundamental to protect our Earth. We should keep using less electricity. Smart Home does not stand for full of electrical appliances! Toothbrush becomes electric toothbrush. Shaver becomes an electric shaver. Light switch becomes electric light switch connected to wireless network. Pillow becomes digital pillow. Toilet seat becomes electric digital toilet seat. But we bare all the consequences such as consume more energy which means more carbon dioxide emission; many maintenances for these appliances; or simply replace a new model with some useless digital features and spent us a lot of money.
Therefore I design this product which do not use any electrical and digital elements.
The Revolution Capabo Toilet Seat could prevent the spread of odor, germs and bacteria and improve the hygiene of the toilet without the use of electricity or chemical detergent!

1) C-Window
Check via window if there is any stuff left inside the toilet before you open the cover. You can check every time AFTER you flush the toilet OR before you use the toilet. If there is ‘raft’ floating just flush again. This could greatly avoid embarrassing and keeps your good image in your beloved one’s mind. The main purpose of this function is ‘Be kind to the next user’.

2) 90%+ Toilet Seat Area Exposure
The material of toilet seat adsorbs our body temperature and sweat left on it (even though the sweat may come from your family member). I design to make as much as surface area to expose to air and light for maximum ventilation and heat lost. As a result, greatly enchances the hygiene standard and better user experience!

3) O-Wall – Keep your toilet seat uncontaminated!
Block the splashing water inside the toilet – even the mist! Therefore, the germs and bacteria cannot be spread out.
In all other existing products, there is a gap between the toilet seat and the cover which you think is quite small (most of them are almost 3cm gap) so that is enough for the splashing water and germs reach the surface of toilet seat. Some of the droplets might accumulate on the surface of the inner surface of toilet cover. The droplets will slide slowly to the edge of the O-Wall when we put the toilet cover stand up. Then it will be poured into the toilet again when we close the toilet cover at the next time. Therefore no any droplets can reach the surface of toilet seats!
My patented design can greatly reduce the risk of spread of germs by blocking the mist.

4) Triple Handles – no touch with toilet anymore!
As you may see some handles sold in the market separately, but they are not well designed. So we integrate this handles into both sides of toilet seat which you can assign who use left who use right such as boys use left, girls use right. You might also teach your kids to learn left and right. For toilet cover, there is a curved handle on the top edge which is a more trendy design and never seen in the market before. This handles make it a whole unique features and benefits.

5) Dual Layers Blocking – seal the minor gap in between the toilet and toilet seat
There’s always a minor gap between the toilet and the bottom of toilet seat where the oder and the splashing water come out from the gap. However there are hundreds of toilet styles with different shape in the market, we cannot meet each of them. Therefore I design a double blocking feature in case the first layer of blocking cannot block due to difference shape, the second layer will do.
6) 2 sec Hydraulic Cover
2 seconds to close! Trap the gems and the splashing water ASAP without making a noise. Traditional hydraulic cover takes 10-20 seconds to close which does not meet the standard nowadays especially in this global health crisis as the germs and the splashing water will split in the form of mist into the space of the toilet when flushing.

7) One Button Unlock – Easy cleaning and sanitization!
One Button to release the toilet seat Instantly! This is really helpful in cleaning and sanitization because you can simply release the whole toilet seat and cover to be cleaned by water or sanitizer.

8) Cleaner base station
The structure of the base station is just like a wall which can block any dirt or splashing water to keep the lock button clean. In the above pictures, you can see the comparison between traditional toilet and our innovative toilet seat.

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