Photo Studio & Culinary Space Created by Mexican Chef & Ukrainian Photographer that have a Love Story in a Cruise Ship.
There are stories that are written under the light of the stars in the middle of the ocean , in the middle of the isolation they become stronger, and they will find the way to be real, strong and grow like the roots of the trees.
October 2020 we will start our journey to capture images, memories and communities around places in Mexico. We will create digital content and at the end we will create a book with also culinary recipes of each place we will discover.
Offering to people across the country the opportunities to capture the moments that become legacy through the lenses of our camera.
We think that people around the world need to be aware that happiness, love , forgiveness, and the best things in life area available to everybody and they need to be created from the inside out. When you find balance and you embrace all the emotions and memories you will release all that was giving you negative emotions.
Our time in this world is limited, we do not have nothing for granted, make it worth it, try new places, walk through different cultures and share with the world your lessons and experiences. All of this will be capture and remember in our journey of life.
Help Us to Become this project stronger and you will receive a copy of our first material around magic places in Mexico.
Hay historias que se escriben con la magia de cruzar océanos por meses, trabajar con pasión dedicación y de pronto el mundo se coloca de cabeza por un virus y te quita la oportunidad de seguir trabajando en el océano, para darte cuenta que puedes capturar y construir un provecto que permita dejar tu huella en este planeta.
Creando un espacio dedicado a la fotografía y el arte culinario con la calidez el humor y la posibilidad de desarrollar proyectos tanto culinarios como de arte en la fotografía de la estética.
Capturando imágenes y momentos por las ciudades y pueblos mágicos de México.