Premier Deck of Playing Cards | Custom Configuration | 4 Week LIVE Online Training Program
***IMPORTANT: ?️ ALL’ DAY ONE’ BACKERS who get at least ONE CC CLUB DECK will get LIVE TICKETS GUARANTEED for all Out of the Box Experience Online Events

PANDEMONIUM: The NEW Ultimate Vanishing Deck Add-on

We’re proud to introduce the world premiere of Aaron Fisher’s PANDEMONIUM, a self-working vanishing deck 20 years in the making. This LIMITED EDITION KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE will only be available through this campaign.
Pandemonium is hyper-visual, practical, and easy-to-do. All you need to make this miracle is a set of Pandemonium Cards and a deck to reproduce from your pocket (see video)! See Pandemonium Now:
All backers will receive full training and discover multiple professional Pandemonium Routines during the Out of the Box Live Event Series.
Several reward levels already include a set of Pandemonium Cards. To add additional sets, see the instructions under the heading ‘Add-ons’ near the bottom of this page.

We created the CC Club Deck Project specifically for passionate card magicians, collectors, sleight-of-hand experts, and Cardists—and everyone who dreams of making miracles with cards.
When you back this project, you will receive:

The CC CLUB DECK – Timeless Design, Casino Quality Crushed Bee Stock—printed on the USPCC Web Press for expert handling that shufflers, passers, and palmers demand!
Built by experts Aaron Fisher, Adam Grace & Lee Asher to delight passionate and demanding card workers. The CC Club Deck features a rare Antique Back Design, 2 Unique Matching Jokers, an elegant Ace of Spades, the Bicycle Blue Seal. And all that is just the beginning…

I call the solution my Daily Carry Custom Configuration—and I’m sharing it for the first time. You’ll find it in every box of CC Club Deck Cards.
Each deck comes with two additional, unassuming ‘gaffed’ cards that can actually be removed from a new deck by your spectator without causing any suspicion. These two cards combine to form my Daily Carry Custom Configuration. This versatile combination allows you to perform 10+ miracle routines right out of the box.
NOTE: You’ll get step-by-step instruction on ALL the miracles that follow—and MANY more—during our Out of the Box Experience Live Events. Scroll down for more info!
***IMPORTANT: ?️ ALL’ DAY ONE’ BACKERS who get at least ONE CC CLUB DECK will get LIVE TICKETS GUARANTEED for all Out of the Box Experience Online Events.
The Daily Carry Custom Configuration lets you open your box of cards and move directly into any one of four different performance modes, so you’re always ready for ANY situation.

First, there’s the classic Natural Mode—with two duplicate jokers and your CC Club Deck. During the Out of the Box Experience Live Events (more info on that below), you’ll discover a wealth of miracles you can perform without using ANY gaffs.

Opener Mode: Choose to wow your audience with your favorite version of the Chicago Opener style routine. This celebrated miracle has been widely considered to be the most engaging close-up ‘Opener’ by professional close-up card magicians for over 50 years!
During the Out of the Box Experience Live Events, you’ll discover multiple routines, so no matter your experience level, you’ll get the perfect method for YOU. You’ll discover Aaron’s favorite methods for people just starting out in card magic, and exciting ‘upgrades’ that will fool and excite long-time card workers.
NOTE: Our Special Guests will also share their favorite secret methods and opening effects—and many secrets will be revealed for the first time anywhere!

Mental Mode: Imagine the perfect Brainwave Effect that looks and feels like real mind-reading. Start with a sealed deck if you wish. Or perform ANYTIME—and always end clean.
We call this the ‘Thunderbolt’ because it can close ANY show—even if you only perform ONE TRICK. And of course, you don’t need to stop there. Your CC Club Deck can be examined—and you can continue to amaze! See it now in this video:

Visual/Formal Close-up Mode: With the entire configuration in play, you can perform an entire ‘close-up show’ featuring 4 ultra-visual technicolor miracles. Your audience won’t believe their eyes, and you can even pass out the deck before you continue the show. See for yourself in the video below:

BONUS ROUTINES: You’ll also discover 3 complete color changing deck routines you can perform using just one CC Club Deck. Two of the routines are super easy-to-do—and all are designed to be used as ‘openers’. Start with a blue deck. Change its color—and continue to amazing with a ‘clean’ red deck!
CHALLENGES & IMPOSSIBLE CLOSERS: The impossible revelation of ANY thought of card is one of the strongest effects in all of card magic. It’s the perfect way to answer a challenge, and it’s strong enough to be a ‘closer’ for any show packed with powerhouse card magic. Your CC Club Deck and the Daily Carry Custom Configuration make it easy to answer the challenge and perform the impossible.
AND MUCH MUCH MORE: And still, that’s just the beginning. In the video below, you’ll see just one of the Bonus Routines you’ll discover in our Live Events. This one is called, Blushing Jokers, by the talented card creator J.K. Hartman:
At our Out of the Box Experience Live Events, we’ll reveal our favorite methods for every situation, so you can ALWAYS do the impossible…ON DEMAND.

***IMPORTANT: ?️ ALL’ DAY ONE’ BACKERS who get at least ONE CC CLUB DECK will get LIVE TICKETS GUARANTEED for all Out of the Box Experience Online Events.
Out of the Box LIVE! A 4 Week LIVE Online Training Program & Magic Convention.
There’s so much magic packed into the CC Club Deck, we just had to build a one-of-a-kind training experience to tie it all together.
Join your hosts, celebrated card magic instructors Aaron Fisher, Adam Grace, Lee Asher, the CC Club Team, and our world-famous Special Guests—magic creators and instructors for a four-week live online adventure.

To imagine what the Out of the Box Experience Events will be like, picture a magic convention, coaching program, & epic magic party all rolled into one—with YOU in the center of it all!
NOTE: If we were to sell the Out of the Box Experience Events separately, the price would be at least $200. The full series and live events will ONLY be available to our Kickstarter Supporters. These events cannot be resold or transferred.

You’ll get unprecedented access and hands-on instruction that tops any ‘video tutorial’. You can join LIVE or watch anytime on-demand. And with all the exclusive magic and methods you’ll discover, here’s the best news:
Your Kickstarter purchase of the CC Club Deck gets you to On-Demand Access to these exclusive events for life.
As a CC Club Deck Backer, this is your invitation to join passionate card magicians from around the world for the biggest online training event of all time.
With the Out of the Box Experience you’ll get:
- LIFETIME ACCESS to 4 Landmark Live Online Events, each packed with CC Club Deck Secrets—and Card Miracles and Methods you can perform with ANY deck.
- Special CC Club Deck Backers Online Members Portal, where you’ll find all of your Out of the Box Recordings—and amazing Bonus Miracles and Training exclusively for our Kickstarter Backers.
- Unprecedented Access to celebrated creators and coaches including Aaron Fisher, Adam Grace, Lee Asher—and world-renowned Special Guests. You’ll be able to ask questions, get answers—and even join us onscreen for LIVE coaching to ensure you master your new miracles.
***IMPORTANT: ?️ ALL’ DAY ONE’ BACKERS who get at least ONE CC CLUB DECK will get LIVE TICKETS GUARANTEED for all Out of the Box Experience Online Events

- 52 Regular Red-Backed Playing Cards
- Plus 2 Unique Matching Jokers
- 1 Blue-Backed Joker
- 1 Red/Blue Double Backer
- Red Standard Poker Size: 3.5 x 2.5 inches (89x 64mm)
- Printed on the USPC Web Press | Traditionally Cut
- Highest Grade Casino Quality Crushed Bee Stock
- Standard Bicycle Brand Tuck-box (complete with BLUE SEAL)
- Timeless Design & Built to Last

Aaron Fisher, Adam Grace, and Lee Asher selected every aspect of the CC Club Deck to meet the needs of demanding sleight-of-hand artists, cardists, and collectors. We wanted to create the ultimate deck for card workers. That’s why we spared no expense, and printed on the legendary USPCC WEB PRESS, using a custom formulation of Premium-Casino Crushed Bee Stock, a traditional cut and an air-cushion finish.
Simply put, there are no words to describe how well these cards handle. These cards shuffle like a dream. The CC Club Deck is light and airy, with a density that makes the cards rest comfortably—but spring quickly into passes, palms and double-lifts. And for card workers, here’s the best news of all: no matter that you put these cards through in training or performance, they snap back into shape time and time again.

THE DESIGN: Backs, Faces, Aces & Joker

The Faces
Our goal at all times was to great a distinctive deck that promotes Powerful Card Magic above all else. With the exception of the Ace of Spades and Jokers, we chose to emphasize clarity and contrast. Classic faces ensure your audience can experience every moment of your magic in high definition—like watching card magic in a ‘lossless’ format.
The Backs
From Aaron Fisher, on discovering the 1907 USPCC 808 Model II Back Design:
Recently, Lee Asher showed Adam Grace and I a full collection of USPCC 808 back designs, We realized that apart from two or three designs, we’d never even seen most of them. That made us feel like kids again—and it was a GOOD feeling.
We had been looking for a distinctive, elegant design that would highlight great magic. When we saw the rare 808 Model II Back Design from 1907, we knew in an instant we’d found ‘the one’. We said, “This is it. This design deserves to be SEEN. People who like cards will LOVE this design.
Note for Collectors: When the United States Playing Card Company was purchased by Cartamundi, the company stopped granting licenses for their classic artwork. Even so, the CC Club Deck was printed by USPCC with full permission to use USPCC back designs, the Ace of Spades, the Joker, and the Box for our CC Club Deck.


This incredible image was first published by the United States Playing Card Company in 1894—where it commemorated the playing card competition at the 1878 Worlds Fair Exhibition. This was a landmark event in the history of playing card history.
The image of the king riding the bicycle, and the book on which it appeared, has been the envy of antique card collectors everywhere. Best of all, the graphic has NEVER been used as an actual ‘Joker’ before now.


Our elegant Ace of Spades features a stalk of wheat and comes from a rare Whist design produced by USPCC in the 1920s. This timeless choice emphasizes the organic nature of living communities—like the communities you find on Kickstarter and CC Club.


- Our 2020 CC Club Deck was designed from the start with the exacting specifications of expert card magicians in mind.
- Open a fresh deck and perform any one of 10+ miracles immediately Out of the Box
- The Daily Cary Custom Configuration (Bottom) Red-Backed Joker with a Blue-Backed Matching Joker Beneath it.
- The Daily Cary Custom Configuration (Top) Red-Backed Joker with a Red/Blue Double Backer above it, blue side down.
This is the Daily Carry Custom Configuration, and as you’ll see in the Out of the Box Experience Live Events—it puts a world of miracles at your fingertips.

- Yes, if you look close you can see this subtle feature built right into the back design.
- Magicians know why a very subtle one-way design will allow you to adapt the hundreds of effects that have been published on the one-way principle. We included this just for you!
- Can you spot it? Hint: We’ll show you EXACTLY how to use this devastating and subtle feature to amaze everyone you know!
***IMPORTANT: ?️ ALL’ DAY ONE’ BACKERS who get at least ONE CC CLUB DECK will get LIVE TICKETS GUARANTEED for all Out of the Box Experience Online Events.

NOTE: Our vision for the Custom Brick Box is still evolving. We’d love to hear your suggestions!


To add a shirt on to your order, please add to your pledge the correct amount indicated above, plus shipping. US Shipping—add $6 to the price of the shirt. International Shipping – add $12 to the price of the shirt. After the campaign ends, we’ll send you a shipping survey. Be sure to respond and let us know which items and sizes you ordered!

We’re proud to announce the Kickstarter Exclusive CC Club Deck Hat. You can ONLY get it here. To add a hat to your order, add to your pledge the amount plus shipping indicated above. After the campaign ends, we’ll send you a shipping survey. Be sure to respond and let us know you ordered a hat and what color option you would like!

You can add sets of Pandemonium Cards or extra decks to your order at any time during the campaign by:
1. First clicking ‘manage my pledge’.
2. Increase your pledge by the appropriate amount. Shipping is included.
3. Each backer may add up to 12 Pandemonium Sets to their order by adding $29 for each. Please observe a 12 Pandemonium Set maximum per person.

You can add these snazzy CC Club Deck Custom Brick Boxes to your order by adding $13 to your pledge—shipping included.

You can add Additional CC Club Decks to your order for $14 per deck the same way. The prices below include shipping for US residents. International customers, please add an additional $10 (ten dollars) to the total.
- 1 Deck = $14
- 2 Decks = $28
- 3 Decks = $42
- 4 Decks = $56
- 5 Decks = $70
- 6 Decks = $84 (Instead of choosing this option, you should just order the half brick special and save money)

We are Conjuror Community, The World’s Best Magic Club. We have the most supportive, engaging, and helpful community of passionate magicians you’ll find anywhere in the world, online or off.
Our club helps passionate magicians explore the magic in many exciting new ways. Our unique format connects the most elite creators, coaches, and performers with passionate magicians around the world. You can learn more at https://conjuror.community

Aaron Fisher – Author of the Paper Engine, creator of Panic, The pathways training Program, and the 3M Coaching Program. Aaron Fisher is the most celebrated Card Magic Instructor of the Decade and Co-Founder of Conjuror Community, the world’s fasted growing magic club.

Adam Grace – Creator of Ellusionist classics like Frozen and Ringtone, Adam Grace is the Co-Founder of Conjuror Community, and your co-host for this Landmark Adventure in Online Learning.

Lee Asher – Conjuror Community Board Member and Legendary Card Creator Lee Asher is the President of the 52 Plus Joker Society. Lee is considered to be the ‘godfather’ of the cardistry movement.

The United States Playing Card Company – World-renowned for quality and perfection for over 100 years. Our partner in this landmark release.

SHIPPING: We do ship internationally. Shipping rates are listed after you select your package. You will have the chance to add or change your shipping address when we send out surveys.
UPDATES: Please see our updates here on Kickstarter. It will be the main way we will keep you informed of new info and potential goals/rewards.
NEED HELP: You can ask questions and get answers right here on Kickstarter. Also, our customer support department is glad to help you with any questions you have about your order… or really anything! Reach out to us at support@conjuror.community

We would like to thank the Kickstarter community for embracing us and making us feel at home. Thank you, Backers! You are the best!
Also, huge thanks go to:
First of all, thanks to our Conjuror Community CLUB Members & our SUPERGROUP TEAM. Without you, this deck would never be a reality.
Lee Asher @leeashermagic played a vital role
Jason McKinstry @jason_mckinstry offered history and scholarship
Brendan Hong @thebrendanhong did the painstaking effort required to hand-draw every line on this beautiful deck
Alexander Slemmer (@alexander.slemmer) for consulting and support at every level
Steve Barcellona (@stevebarcellona) for help in every aspect of our project.
Ethan Fisher (@fisherprotocol) for brotherly advice and unflinching and unparalleled teamwork and support.
Jason Dean (@sidewisedrummer) for magic and our incredible Threesome all those years ago. lol
Rolando Santos (@rolando.santos) for mentorship and friendship in need.
Chris Grant (@greatgrantini) for high conceptual support
BJ Bueno & Salim Bueno (@sobueno1) for their help on the Safety Committee
Jennifer Peters for holding space and time.
Kier Gomes @kier.gomes.magic make incredible videos
Paul Richardson @paulrich692018 did incredible work as a CC Brand Ambassador.
Amanda Grace @abmgrace did her visual magic to this page.
Everyone at USPCC/ Cartumundi for their permission, art, and support during this project.
And to all the new friends and teammates we’ve made along the way. Thanks for your amazing help and support in any order:
Tyler (@collectadeck)
Steve R (@nothing_only_cards)
Deck Cuts (@deck.cuts)
Daniel Chard (@danielchardmagic)
Griffin Barry (@griffinmagicman816)
Scott Hammell (@scotthammell)
Mark Clearview (@markclearview)
Kier Gomes (@kier.gomes.magic)
Daniel Schneider (@blackrosesplayingcards)
Nathan Kranzo (@thekranzilla)
Lou (@decked_out_cards)
Emily (@emeilysleights52
Ash Marlow (@ashtrickartist)
Playing Card Photos (@sleightly_charred)
The Seers Playing Cards (@theseersplayingcards)
Magic Orthodoxy (@magicorthodoxy)
Jeff Black (@jeffblackmagic)
Chris James (@deck_._head)
Scott Alexander (@scottymagic)
Elemental Playing Cards (@elementalplayingcards)
Aethan Friday (@aristocrat727)
Dan Buck (@bucktwins)
Jeremy Griffith (@lost_angelus)
Nick Tangredi (@magicnickt)
Disfunkshinal Reviews (@disfunkshinalreviews)
Paloma Bravo (@dama_de_picas)
Ashli (@clevertricks101)
Michael Feldman (@magicianmichaelfeldman)
Danny Goldsmith (@dannygoldsmithmagic)
& @officialbicyclecards