This app will provide a tangible platform where hitter’s can train their eye tracking skills
Greetings To All,
Welcome to Chambliss Grandslam’s Pitch Recognition App Campaign. My name is Russ Chambliss, owner/founder of Chambliss Grandslam LLC. My love of baseball was inspired through watching my father play in the major leagues for 17 years. I learned so much about the game’s culture and the hard work required to be a professional baseball player. Through my father’s guidance and encouragement, I gave it a go and played pro baseball for four years (Yankees minor leagues/independent leagues).
After my pro baseball career, I changed hats and coached professionally in the St. Louis Cardinals organization (Single-A for the Peoria Chiefs – Full season club). My career led me to building my brand and training aspiring baseball/softball athletes looking to enhance their batting prowess through a series of critical eye tracking programs critical to their development as effective hitters.
Due to the high demand from my family, friends, and clientele, I’ve decided to make my Pitch Recognition Program more accessible to baseball/softball hitter’s of all ages through my app project I am currently in the process of launching. The Pitch Recognition Program app will provide hitter’s the convenience to enhance their eye tracking skills and strategic approach to batting before/after in-game competition, or even in the comfort of their own home. With the help of your donations, we can reach thousands of baseball/softball hitter’s by easily accessing our training challenges with the click of a button.
The education athletes acquire about their hitting tendencies and overall approach through my Pitch Recognition program is invaluable and life changing. This program tends to break through the barriers that many young athletes face regarding the rigorous mental challenges involved in such a competitive sport. My program has not only made monumental advances in the structured challenges offered, but has helped get athletes collegiate recognition.
Your donations will help breathe life into The Pitch Recognition App, and with the campaign set at $50,000, every penny will be directed into the building of the app in order to advance our ultimate goal of broadening a wider audience of aspiring athletes working to bring their game to the next level.
So, please help out my cause by donating to my app campaign, and also feel free to reach out to other parties of interest willing to contribute to the eventual launch of Chambliss Grandslam’s Pitch Recognition Program app.