Raising capital to launch Cinema Ghoul, your upgraded streaming experience.
Short Summary
“It’s all gone now. Everything I ever made. Nothing but ashes and fading strips of celluloid.” – George Melies, Hugo 2012.
Cinema Ghoul is way more than just the next streaming network. Have you ever picked up an interest for something because you learned about it’s significance. For instance, maybe you went to an art museum and hearing about a painting’s history gave you a profound new appreciation for art? Maybe your history teacher really made learning about world history fun and interesting. This is what Cinema Ghoul is for cinema that is likely to be forgotten with the passage of time.
Our founder, Audra Christine, has more than 10 years in the film and television industry and over 16 years in business positions. She received her Bachelors of Arts in Film from National University. She has acted as producer, director, and 2nd AD for nationally touring events and major music artists. An expert at project management, she discovered her love for preserving the history and messages of older and lesser known films. Our opening line from Hugo was what really got her thinking. “So many people spent their lives pouring into and investing in films, passing on messages to generations, which would amply disappear in the noise of a crowded new-film space. Are we going to just let these messages, their art, their lives and passions from our previous generations just slip away? Why not pass on their work, so everything they accomplished, the messages that were for us, will not be lost?” Currently, we are looking for like-minded individuals who would like to share in our mission of Keeping Stories Alive.
For a broader scope of Cinema Ghoul, why we are choosing fundraising to raise capital and other topics, please visit cinemaghoul.com
What We Need & What You Get
We are currently trying to raise $175,000 to turn CinemaGhoul.com into a streaming network.
To launch with our best effort, we would like to rent an office space rather than production house (much more cost effective), purchase proper recording equipment, acquire the movies and tv shows, provide closed captions (in English and in Spanish to begin with), hire a video editor and a small research team, give ourselves a small marketing budget, purchase platform space and budget a small contingency.
We have included the perks cost and IndieGoGo platform fees in the total amount being raised. This is why our goal would exceed $175,000 and is actually around $232,996 total. If we end up raising more than we need, we will likely turn the remaining funds into a fuller marketing budget in order to give Cinema Ghoul the best chance for success.
We are currently offering 9 tiers for donations ranging from $25-$50,000. With perks from stickers, to subscription time, to contribution to our second round of title acquisitions.
If we don’t meet our entire goal, we will put the money raised into Cinema Ghoul’s account and continue to try and find ways to raise the remaining capital until we can purchase the needed items and contract the necessary individuals.
The Impact
Your donation will help us make sure that filmmakers and storytellers lives will not be forgotten, that generations today will benefit from gaining a historical perspective on society, and that future generations will be free to embrace the lessons from the past.
Risks & Challenges
As is true with many other projects, we expect to face all kinds of challenges. But solving challenges is what Audra Christine does best. Specifically, we understand the argument that many people have against “more streaming networks.” Yes, it’s true. This is where our industry has turned, but we have to recognize that “television” has always been a business. Ads have kept television alive for years, however, with the rise of technology we see that the art of watching our favorite shows has changed. There is a fierce divide between paying for all the subscriptions as well as cable television. But what have to remember that the $5/month we pay for streaming is having many benefits that we wouldn’t have otherwise had access to if our shows all remained on television. With streaming, one can binge their favorite shows unlike with television where programming was rigid and watching a series would take months, not days. Streaming also means that people with longer commutes or who work retail shifts can access their favorite shows instead of missing the kinds of programming they want to watch because their work schedule doesn’t allow.
Yes, Cinema Ghoul is a streaming service, however, we are offering much more than just content. We are dedicating our time and resources to bring the viewer knowledge, history, and inspiration; things that they can take with them through the rest of their lives at an industry standard rate.
Other Ways You Can Help
Can’t donate funds? That’s okay! We desperately need to get the word out about Cinema Ghoul. We are excited to work with all kinds of contributions and right now we need people who would actively share our fundraising effort.
IndieGoGo has some wonderful sharing tools. You can also direct people to cinemaghoul.com