An Arts and Crafts style horror game with a focus on Story, Puzzles, and Scares.
Hello everyone! This is Benjamin Cozad and I’m the team lead working with the The Nightmare Jar, the studio bringing you ClayTown Horror. I’m accompanied by our top notch programmer Kamil Mukosiej, and by our impeccable sound designer Dawid Mukosiej. We’re a small studio, but plan on expanding in the near future in order to make our vision a reality.
ClayTown horror is a single-player horror game with a never before seen art-style. With a focus on Story, Puzzles, and Monstrous residents, ClayTown has something for everybody to love.
ClayTown Horror boasts a very unique Arts and Crafts art-style. Have you ever made a dollhouse out of cardboard, a bridge out of popsicle sticks, a macaroni portrait, or made a doll out of clay? If you have, then ClayTown’s style will be very familiar to you.
Crayon candles, popsicle tables, cardboard shelves, clay chairs, everything in ClayTown is an Arts and Crafts project, and all of it is hand made in house. You can expect pretty much everything in the full game to follow this unique style.
During your time in ClayTown, you will have your wits tested again and again with intriguing puzzles. Our goal is to make every puzzle in ClayTown Horror as unique and interactive as possible. In the visual demo, players got to see a first look at what puzzles in ClayTown Horror are like. This was seen through the demos’ Gallery Puzzle.
With multiple layers and several interactive aspects, the Gallery Puzzle is a fair example of what you can expect puzzles in the full game to be like. Thanks to the Visual Demo, we’ve gotten some great feedback on the gallery puzzle, and we’ll be keeping all that feedback in mind going forward. These puzzles will require you to use your wits and focus in order to solve them.
You may also find that not all puzzles are found within the game; there may be some secrets outside the confines of ClayTown.
Afraid of being alone in ClayTown? Well worry no longer friend, as there are many residents of ClayTown eager to meet you. Players have already met one madam featured in the visual demo, our lovely local Artist.
She may have been timid in our demo, but don’t be fooled. There’s nothing but hellfire behind that button eye. Once her strings are cut, I’d recommend you start running.
Now two may be company, but we’re offering you a crowd. Your lucky self will have five residents of ClayTown keeping you company in the full game, all of them with personalities to love and unique utensils to rend your flesh with. You’ll have to be clever in order to get past them; you won’t be able to outrun all of them.
As mentioned a few times now, we currently have a visual demo of the game available for you to play. The demo highlights the visual style of the game as well as some minor puzzle and story aspects.
You can play the demo by following either of these links:
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1771780/ClayTown_Horror/
Itch.io: https://the-nightmare-jar.itch.io/clay-town-horror
We are incredibly passionate about making this game, and we believe it has mountains of potential. However, as a small start up studio, we are unable to support ourselves as we produce ClayTown Horror. Your donation will primarily support The Nightmare Jar team so that we can make ClayTown Horror our top priority and give it the time and effort we think it deserves.
Your donations will also finance any programs/equipment we may need for development.
This Includes:
- Subscriptions to software
- Hardware such as storage devices / computer equipment
- Entity Containment
- Licensing
- And More
With your support, we believe we’ll be able to create a truly fantastic horror experience for you to enjoy.
In case we exceed our initial goal, we’ve taken some time to consider how any extra finances would be used. As a result we’ve decided on the following stretch goals for this campaign:
At $75000 – Full Original Soundtrack
At this goal, we will be able to bring on a composer in order to create an Original Soundtrack for the game. You’ll shiver from head to toe as this soundtrack plays in your ears. With every resident having their own sound, you’ll know exactly whos stalking you. If this goal is reached then, you’ll have some beautifully terrifying tracks to listen to.
At $100000 – Full Voice Acting
At this goal, we will be able to bring on a group of Voice Actors in order to breathe more life into the game. Hear the terror in their voice as they recite to you the horrors they’ve been through. If this goal is reached, then you’ll be able to get fully immersed in the story with top notch voice talent.
At $200000 – Next Project Funded
At this goal, we believe the next project after this ClayTown Horror game will be funded. Who knows what horrors will await you in the future?
As thanks for your donation, you can grab yourself some special edition items.
This includes our Special edition glow in the dark buttons:
And our Special edition Welcome to ClayTown Poster:
We also offer multiple tiers of perks for you to take advantage of, all of which have U.S. shipping included in the price.
Tier One: ClayTown Tourist | $5
With this tier you’ll get:
- Your name listed in the games credits as a ClayTown Tourist. So everyone knows you helped make ClayTown a reality.
Tier Two: Pre-Purchase | $20
With this tier you’ll get:
- Everything in Tier One
- A copy of the game on steam when it comes out.
Tier Three: Sightseer | $25
With this tier you’ll get:
- Everything in Tier One
- Everything in Tier Two
- A special edition glow in the dark button as a thank you for your donation. These buttons will only be available as donation rewards for this crowd funder, so be sure to get them while you can.
Tier Four: ClayTown Resident | $50
With this tier you’ll get:
- Everything in Tier Two
- Everything in Tier Three
- Your name listed as a ClayTown Resident in the credits of the game. So everyone knows you helped make ClayTown a reality.
- A small colored doll with your name on it placed in a secret room in the house.
Tier Five: Artsy-Craftsy | $100
With this tier you’ll get:
- Everything in Tier Two
- Everything in Tier Three
- Everything in Tier Four
- A special edition poster as a huge thank you for your donation. These posters will only be available as donation rewards for this crowd funder, so be sure to get them while you can.
Tier Six: ClayTown Sculptor | $500
With this tier you’ll get:
- Everything in Tier Two
- Everything in Tier Three
- Everything in Tier Four
- Everything in Tier Five
- Your name listed as a ClayTown Sculptor in the credits of the game. So everyone knows you helped shape ClayTown.
- You’ll also be given the opportunity to design your own clay doll. Choose its colors, eye style, accessories and everything in between. This doll will also have your name placed on it, so others can see who designed it. We’ll help you develop your design, create it, and then find a nice place for it in ClayTown Horror.
(The Nightmare Jar will have final say on the asset’s look and placement, though we will do all we can to fit it to your design.)
Tier Seven: ClayTown Mayor | $1000
With this tier you’ll get:
- Everything in Tier Two
- Everything in Tier Three
- Everything in Tier Four
- Everything in Tier Five
- Everything in Tier Six
- Your name listed as a ClayTown Mayor in the credits of the game. So everyone knows you helped lead ClayTown to greatness.
- Receive a special edition statue of our beloved Artist. These statues will be printed and then hand painted for all the small details. The statue will be at least 20cm / 7.9in, though we are attempting to make them taller. Only a handful of these will be created so this is your only chance to get one. Oh and don’t worry, we’ll make sure these ones don’t move at night.
(The Nightmare Jar will have final say on the asset’s look and placement, though we will do all we can to fit it to your design.)
If your perk tier includes an item to be shipped, then there will be a relative shipping fee for your rewards. If you live in the U.S., then this fee is included in your perk cost.
With the current delays in shipping times, we cannot guarantee when you will receive your items. However, our goal is to have everything arrive by the end of March 2022.
We will ship worldwide, however shipping outside of the U.S. will result in a additional shipping fee added. We also cannot guarantee when orders delivered outside the U.S. will be received.
You may be wondering how we’ll show that we’re dedicated to making this game and that production is being done. Well you won’t have to take our word for it, because you’ll get to see progress on the game in real time. Starting soon, we will begin having development streams at https://www.twitch.tv/nightmarejar. There you will be able to see production on the game first hand, and you can talk and ask us questions there as well. No hoping or wondering if we’re working on the game, just pop on over and see what we’re working on.
We’ll be trying to stream at least once a week, though we may do more/less than that in the future.
There’s still a lot to do before the full game is ready, and our team is still quite small as of now. However, we’re dedicated to this project and want to see it succeed. We’ll be bringing on more people to fill out the team, going through all the necessary time and effort to prepare, and then hitting the ground running with production. We have some big ideas for ClayTown Horror and are ready to get to work. We hope you will join us on our Twitch streams and see the journey take place.
If you are unable to support ClayTown Horror through donations, we completely understand. Just you sharing the game with friends, family, and social apps is plenty to show your support.
Be sure to take advantage of Indiegogo’s sharing tools to make it simple and easy.
That’s all for now.
Thank you EVERYONE for all the joy you’ve given us so far.
Stay Spooky, and we’ll talk again soon,
The Nightmare Jar