First person arena shooter for PC, tablets and phones.
Tired of the endless onslaught of Battle Royales, tactical shooters or titles exclusive to one platform? Do you yearn for the good old days of jumping into a few quick matches and fragging with some friends? Wouldn’t it be great to do so with whatever gaming device you own?
Then, prepare yourself for…
(If you’re having difficulty opening the .rar file, download 7zip from https://www.7-zip.org/)
Android demo will be available soon!
Inspired by the movement enhancements of shooters like Halo 5 and Infinite, and the simplicity and focused weapon meta of Splitgate, Coda: Arena Combat aims to make players feel powerful rather than just ordinary while balancing success in combat purely on skill. Bespoke map design and refined movement mechanics mean players will spend less time running around looking for the fight and more time in the action.
Additionally, Coda will always reward players for skilled tactics. Points awarded for kills and assists are based proportionately on damage dealt. Every objective, both attempted and succeeded, are acknowledged and duly compensated. Players going against the odds in solo matchmaking against premade squads will find their efforts toward winning are not in vain.
Given the nature of the game’s design, tactics that players tend to complain about, like camping, are rendered ineffective, and in the case of an ally leaving a match during the round, a well-trained bot will take their place and assist for the remainder of the match. Players need not be worried about a tedious or unfair experience.
Most importantly, the game runs on the Unity Engine, meaning it can be played on any and all devices. Currently, the intention is to the final game available on Windows, Android and iOS, meaning anyone who has a phone or a tablet can join in on the fun!
- Responsive, smooth and fast-paced gameplay
- Bright and glowing neon world
- An upbeat and electrifying soundtrack
- An intuitive point system that rewards player actions
- Availability on PC, Android and iOS
Meet the team:
- Aaron Jefferson Morris – director and producer
- Ricardo Lagunes Tejeda – lead programmer
- JL Claro – 3D modeler
- Davide Perico – composer and sound engineer
- Hadjoudj Mohammed Islam – UI designer
The Plan:
I am currently funding the team out of pocket. While this game is a passion project of mine, going into debt to make it a reality is not feasible. That is why I am asking for your help. The game needs a larger team in order to be fully realized.
Funding will go towards expanding the current team in order to tackle:
- Refining animations
- New weapons and abilities
- Map creation
- Unique game mode development
- Cosmetic items and emotes
- Music for the sound track
- Announcer packs
- Fair and balanced ranking system
- Multiplayer functionality for 4v4 matches and 8 Player Free for All
- Networking systems
- Cross-play for PC, Android and iOS
Ultimately, the game will be free to play on all platforms with cosmetics and emotes available for purchase. Pledges made now of $10 or more will give players access to exclusive cosmetics and emotes that won’t be available after the official launch. I feel it’s the best way of saying thank you to people taking the risk in crowdfunding this project.