$1,210 raised out of $60,000
Start date
May 30, 2024
Close date
Jun 30, 2024

Celebrating the rich history and diversity of coffee.


Short Summary

We are Nes and Darla, the team behind the CTUL Project. We love coffee, and have a mission to share with people the stories of hard work, struggles, and successes behind the scenes of this great beverage. We want to bring eyes to the community that looks at coffee as a conduit for people from all walks of life, nationalities, and cultures. By contributing to this 6 episode docu-series you are helping bring exposure to the local coffee shop, and educate people on issues that otherwise taken for granted. We want to capture the coffee enthusiasts, but even more than that we want people that don’t drink coffee to be intrigued to give it a try.


What We Need & What You Get

Here is where you come in and can be a part of the CTULProject. Film making, yes, is very rewarding, it is also a profession where days turn into weeks and weeks to months. When the subject is something that you are truly passionate about, the reach for excellence is even greater. The pilot is currently completed (which you can view the trailer), with 5 more stops around the US to go. Our funding goal is $60,000. The funds we are raising go to Travel costs, Lodging & Meals, Pre & Post Production, Marketing, Film Festival fees, Directing, Camera Kit Rates, Permits etc.


The Impact

Coffee The Universal Language explores the cultural and social aspects of coffee. This documentary takes a deep dive into how coffee is not just a beverage, but also a medium for connection and communication across different cultures around the world.

This is an opportunity to influence and educate the next generation with coffee knowledge and its power to change communities. We believe this is not just interesting for the coffee lover, but is interesting and educational for people of all ages everywhere.

When you look at successful documentaries such as Chefs Table you not only appreciate the work and preparation being put into each dish (and the gorgeous visuals) but you are also captivated by the story that fuels the recipes. Why has this not been done for the coffee industry? We are here to answer that question with Coffee The Universal Language. 


Risks & Challenges

As we have stated we have a mission to complete this season 1  (6 episodes.) To this point we have dug deep in all areas of our life because we believe in the project, and know it can make an impact. The ultimate would be to get fully funded. We are also realistic in the possibility that may not happen. That does not mean we will not continue to go forward. Not happening is not an option.


Other Ways You Can Help

We know that some of you would love to contribute but just aren’t in the position to do so. You can still be a huge help in sharing the project with everyone you know! 


