LAST WEEK TO ORDER: 100 drawings of Chinese ingredients, bundled into 24 handy recipe cards!
Hi! I’m Linda, and I’m making 100 Chinese food ingredient drawings!
Why you ask?
Well, I LOVE Chinese food. I’m Sichuanese American, and I grew up eating my Baba and Mama’s cooking…and now I also love making these dishes for myself! But it wasn’t always this way.
Actually, for most of my 20s, I struggled to feed myself on a consistent basis. After a long workday, even the thought of ordering out was exhausting. The thought of having to choose a recipe and go grocery shopping and meal prep and actually cook the meal was paralyzing.
It’s not that I didn’t know how to cook. Growing up in a Sichuanese household, I cooked with my family every day — and loved it! But despite that, I kept spending money on takeout or defaulting to cold cereal for dinner. I felt frustrated and ashamed: Why couldn’t I just start cooking?
This all changed last year when I started doodling the family recipes I was trying to learn.
To my joy, I realized that after drawing them down, I no longer struggled with remembering recipe steps (even ones I’m really familiar with)! In fact, drawing each ingredient out, and then arranging them lovingly onto one page, has not only helped me consistently cook for myself…but has changed my relationship with food – from something that sparked anxiety to one that now sparks joy!
I would love to continue making more drawings, and more recipe cards this year!
With your support, I’ll be able to pay myself a living wage while doing so (and create some deliciously functional food art & recipe cards for your kitchens (and mine!).
Here are some examples of the recipe cards I’ve designed:
DIY Hot Pot Party Card (Front)
5 Minute Chili Oil Card (Front)
Tomato & Egg Stir Fry Card (Front)
(With your help in funding me to do a full 100 illustrated ingredients, I’ll be able to make an entire bundle of 24 recipe cards, which I aim to ship to backers in time for the winter holidays!)
<3 Linda & Panda
The rewards for this project come in two different flavors: digital and print(ed).
Our campaign is funded and now we are on stretch goals
Here’s what’s in store:
你好 & hello! My name is Linda, and I’m a Sichuanese-American comic artist, food entrepreneur, and mental health advocate based in New York.
I draw Panda Cub Stories, a weekly IG comic series about Chinese culture, Sichuan food, and living with ADHD. I love creating adorable, colorful and educational comics (which is what these food drawings will ultimately become!
My food writing and art have been featured by Made With Lau, The Woks of Life, NextShark, and Today.com. As a business owner, I run a cooking course called Panda Cub Diner, where I teach students how to make my family’s cuisine: 川菜 (chuāncài or Sichuan food).
I have experience delivering projects on time, and packing and shipping orders for my Patrons.