$341 raised out of $111,000
Start date
Jun 12, 2023
Close date
Jul 28, 2023

BPS’s crowdfunding campaign to transform its membership offerings and become a co-op!


Welcome to BPS’s crowdfunding campaign Community is the Medicine (also our new slogan!).

The success of this campaign will allow us to greatly enhance our membership offerings and officially complete our metamorphosis into a fully fledged psychedelic co-op.

What is a psychedelic co-op? What a great question: it’s a democratically governed community-based healing center that anyone can walk into and have a safe, affordable psychedelic group journey alongside integration circles and support groups for people working on similar areas of healing and growth.

The only problem? They don’t exist yet! And that’s why we need your support to make it happen! To facilitate our transformation in a co-op and help us grow, we are super charging our member offerings.

Our new membership offerings will include:

Group ketamine-journeys (Journey Cohorts) as well as more cannabis and breathwork journeys

An approved facilitator list of local vetted and trusted integration and journey coaches

Members-only community dinners, hikes and retreats

Members-only integration circles

-An ability to run for and vote on a community member board member seat

-Access to a private BPS Discord server

-Access to member-only content on our blog and podcast Community is the Medicine

-And much much more!

As we say at BPS, Community is the Medicine. With your support on this campaign, we can bring that medicine to the world.


