Cygens have been unleashed and the world will never be the same.
Constancy Roa is an OVA (Original Video Animation) brought to you by the creative minds at Infinity Ark an up and coming animation company. It does not have a specific genre instead opting for the more melting pot approach of the 90s to early 2000s OVA anime series. Meaning it has action, drama, romance, sex, nudity, adult situations, graphic violence and comedy (tho mostly of a darker nature) all rolled into one contextually speaking. Though at it’s core it’s a war story between Cygens and Humanity. In terms of “adult content” taking the first episode as an example it has roughly 5 minutes of said content for an hour long OVA. It is inspired by works like the Bubblegum Crisis OVAs, Project A-ko and the game series Megaman X We hope to make a series that will bridge the gap between current anime and “retro” anime of the past.
We’re looking to fund the first episode which will either be a 45 minute to an hour episode or it will be split into two we are currently leaning towards 1 long episode. While this is what we wish to fund we have plans for more which we detail in our stretch goals. Assuming we are funded we are confident we can guarantee completion of the OVA within roughly 10 months possibly less
Storyboards an important step in making an OVA
We’re offering Blu Rays or digital copies at a reduced price also discounted copies for the first few backers. Get in early!
We have a variety of special editions alone or with packages these include Yuimei and Misha and the packages include artbook soundtrack and their dakimakuras or without the choice is yours! Yuimei would really like if you bought her special edition<heart>
This is the ultimate collectors edition, it contains the Blu-ray, the artbook, the soundtrack, our premium tapestry, a unique t shirt and both Yuimei and Misha’s Dakimakuras plus two MORE for Osiris and Freya to be revealed during our indiegogo campaign ASAP all at a significantly reduced cost! Tito and Damian will also sign the blu ray and artbook we’ll even send you a special unique thank you artwork by Tito signed by him. Heck if we can swing it we’ll have our singer sign the soundtrack to!
Dakimakuras: the most popular of our products and we’re offering Misha and Yuimei’s at a reduced cost. We’re also bringing two new ones for the first time to indiegogo for the popular characters of Freya and Osiris! These where heavily requested and we’ll be showing the designs here very soon. Get yours today!
Rise of Osiris comic book: this is a short comic book we did to comprise with Osiris’s popularity and her barely showing up in the first OVA. It details the Cygen rebirth and rise of The Pharaoh Osiris from her beginnings as a figurehead for political rulers of Egypt to her realizing the role a Pharaoh should play and taking her rightful place as a ruler.
note: this comic contains sex and nudity and graphic violence contextually like the OVA and in equal measure.
Sexy Tapestry: if you’re a long time fan you might remember this. We’re offering it again here on the indiegogo and you can get it with several of our packages. This Sexy Tapestry shows Yuimei, Misha, Shiki and Roa having a nice quite nap on a silky bed. Inspired by a similar artwork from Bubblegum Crisis!
Be in the OVA: So you wanna be in an “anime” do you? Well now you can with this special perk which will allow you to be in the background in the OVA we have very few spots in the current episode if our funding exceeds it’s goal we’ll have more spots in the next episode keep watchin.
For each additional half funding more we get you’ll get another episode Blu-ray or digital free for everyone who has backed us.
OVA episode 2: Breakdown : this episode may feature an intro song and focuses on Yuimei, and Aquarius, and a newcomer revealed at the end of the first episode Who’s that girl? Misha is here to, what happened after that scene in the trailer? You’ll find out here!
OVA episode 3: Winds of Valhalla: This episode focuses on Selene and Freya and features the much desired and much requested Freya shower scene OH MY! Plus the conclusion of the new character’s current story arc get ready for the exciting climatic battle
OVA episode 4: Howl of the Beast: this episode features characters you haven’t met and have not been revealed and is a pivotal episode in the plot you know that silhouette we’ve shown on social media? Heavy toned white haired Russian? Yep she’s here. She’s also naked that’s probably nice huh? You’re also going to make us have to find a voice actress for this nutcase. Man poor us and poor them to <seriously thanks so much for your contributions from the bottom of my cold black heart – Damian Ark>
Please note that if these goals are met those who are willing to wait will receive these episodes on the Blu-ray as they come so the Blu-rays will be delayed if you got digital then you’ll receive them as we finish em.
Damian Writer, producer, character designer and creator of Constancy Roa and CEO of InfinityArk LLC also handles most of the social media accounts.
Tito Animator and artist for the Constancy Roa anime he’s worked hard to bring you much of what you see here! Also runs our Instagram.
Abe Executive Producer, video editor, co CEO of InfinityArk LLC.
Morrison Our editor he’s new to team but he looks over our work for inconsistencies with lore, reality, and writing based on the rules set forth in the work.
Alex and Cory BrownMusicians who did the music for the trailer they are who to thank for that groovy music.
Hermann Malapit Web designer and site owner he created our website and maintains it.
Voice Cast
To be announced very soon we’re working to secure the best voice talent available
Funding breakdown
Here’s a chart detailing how the funding will be allocated:
Animation: 40,000
this includes our lead animator who did what you’ve seen so far as well as freelance animators we plan to hire for specific parts of the OVA we wanna have the best people doing the best work!
Voice Acting: 20,000
An OVA series can look amazing but live or die by it’s voice acting we plan to use professional talent for the lead roles and fill some of the more minor roles with talented but lesser known people. We’re looking to prop up talented people who might not be being noticed as much as we think they should. We’d also like to pay them well so they wanna keep coming back to work for us!
Music and Sound: 20,000
Another important aspect of an OVA is the music and sound effects you’ve heard some of our stuff but we’re looking to hire someone special to do intro, ending, and insert songs. We have just the person in mind but we need the funding to entice them!
Other employee costs: 10,000
Do want Roa in 10 months or 3 years? While we dislike asking for living costs the fact is that for us to do it in a 10 month time-frame we really don’t have much of a choice here. This covers the costs of living for Roa’s creator and minor expenses to keep those creative juices flowing.
Legal and Misc costs: 20,000
It’s sad but in the current climate strict contracts are essential to keep yourself safe. For that we will need legal fees for contracts, negotiations with outside parties and keeping the IRS away from that valuable company money you’re giving us to make this happen. This will also be used to cover unexpected expenses associated with a project such as this.
IndieGoGo Fees and Processing Fees: 10,000
Everyone hates fees but we have to deal with them, and unfortunately with the amount we’re asking for they are quite steep so we’re asking for your help in covering these costs so it doesn’t eat into the project’s actual 100k budget. This includes Indiegogo’s fees and transaction fees associated with funding.
If you’re worried about us “accidentally” using your money. InfinityArk will be handling the money in a company account. Taking that money not within this agreement would be unethical and in some cases illegal. Some money may be allocated differently to pay a bit more for one part or the other of the above but all will be in accordance with this.
It is possible due to “certain people” who may take issue with our work we could lose access to our current VAs and/or our planned songstress. We are taking steps to avoid this with our contracts and social media policies which must be signed to join our team. If worse comes to worse we have a slew of other voice talent we are in contact with as well as an entire studio we think will help us if the worse comes to pass. We’ve planned ahead for the worst case scenario.
As for the rest we’re going all or nothing to minimize risk and allow ourselves to put some neat rewards and stretch goals on the table. This also minimizes risk. Unless something happens to one of us <knock on wood> There is nothing to worry about you will get your OVAs your perks and your dakimakuras promise! We are extremely confident in our ability to deliver! That brings us to….
Our trailers contains scenes most of which will be used for the actual OVA with the exception of the Misha scene that would be used in a later episode. Coupled with some stuff done not in the trailer we’ve already got a significant portion done. Next we’ll be doing the opening montage and looking to finish that before the Indiegogo’s completion! Then our last step before actual production we’ll be doing the first five minutes and uploading that to video sharing places such as YouTube and Odysee. This will take us right into completing the OVA’s first episode!
Provided we receive the necessary funding we will deliver to you Constancy Roa the OVA unfiltered and uncensored. Nothing will change our vision and we will not compromise nor yield to those who might want to alter it. This is the only way it can be as it is the only way we can make it. By funding us we hope you agree to this as well. Thanks for your support!
Word of mouth is extremely powerful even if you can’t contribute right now please tell anyone you think might be remotely interested in our cause. We really appreciate any support we get whether it’s money or exposure we thank you in advance!
<happy cygens>
Wanna contact us? We’re on twitter, Facebook, and even minds, you can also find our website at www.infinityark.com additionally we take business inquires through projectroa@gmail.com we’d love to hear from you!