$1 raised out of $51,000



Become part of the story and a mission

A Customcookbook App began as a dream for something more than just making a product. We wanted to build an app that could help people to support their family values and at the same time empower them to make the world a better place.

Our cause

The coronavirus has had a devastating impact on the American economy and the reality is that far more children a facing hunger today. Many are starving as food banks buckle. We decided to donate meal kids in need when you start to cook for your own family-6% of each dollar from Ad Mob will donate to American organization  Nokidhungry.      Together we can make this world a better place.

The relevancy of our project 

What are the most important things in our life? Our health and family well-being. You can’t buy it for money. Well-educated and wealthy people understand the values of homemade meals. Especially now during coronavirus pandemic, it becomes a more popular idea in society: we want to trust hands which cooking for us. Homemade meals taste better, more safe, healthy, save money, and bring joy. These values will be on demand for many years.

How Customcookbook App idea was born

I believe that homemade cooking very important for supporting family values and for raising healthy, kind generation. And I love to cook for my family. But sometimes it can be very stressful: for me as a mom who runs her own little business every minute is very important.

✔I have a hard time keeping track of my web inspiration. It takes me forever to remember where I’ve. saved those recipes my family liked 2 weeks ago. Then if I was fortunate enough to find it again I have to spend hours scrolling down food blogs through information I don’t need.

✔It takes too long to plan my menu and shopping list. It will be easier to do it at the same time.

✔I was feeling guilty spending so much time going through colorful food feed which looks great sometimes but tastes horrible. Instead, I would like to spend more time with my family or making my dreams come true.

✔Most of the available cooking apps support only certain websites or one blog. But sometimes I like to use different recipes from different platforms. I want to make a deal only with MY FAVORITE recipes.

I decided to create my own custom recipes organizer to save time and energy for my family and my dreams.

Introducing Customcookbook App-because you and your family are important!

Customcookbook-easy recipes organizer

Organize only your favorite recipes. Create grocery lists. Plan your meals. Download recipes from your favorite websites. Sync with all your devices.


? Recipes – Download recipes from your favorite websites, or add your own.

?Grocery Lists – Create smart grocery lists that automatically combine ingredients and sort them by aisle.

?Meal Planner – Plan your meals using our daily, weekly, or monthly calendars.

?Menus – Save your favorite meal plans as reusable menus.

?Sync – Keep your recipes, grocery lists, and meal plans synced between all your devices.

?Adjust – Scale ingredients to your desired serving size, and convert between measurements.

?Cook – Keep the screen on while cooking.

?Search – Organize your recipes into categories and subcategories. Search by name, ingredient, and more.

?Import – Import your recipes from other desktop and mobile apps.

?Share – Share recipes on social media or email.

?Introduce healthy products in the “Superfood of the Day” feed.

Who will enjoy CustomCookBook?

?People who like to cook and have already some recipes in their minds or devices and who like to organize it to save time for their families and dreams.

?Food bloggers who like to promote their business in our app.

How many funds do we need

I already spend my savings on prototype, design, and Google version is almost ready. Here is the prototype link Prototype. But we need help to create an iOS app ($8000). We are working on a high-quality product for outstanding customer experience. We will spend $3000 for technical support and software updates. Right now we creating a cool 3D logo for our app. You can see examples on our Pinterest page.

 We know more families happy with cooking experience-more meals we will donate to  Nokidhungry. So we have to make our product popular – we will use funds for marketing(commercial video -$5000, target advertising in social media – $3000, money for the marketing team and copywriting – $2000.

Stretch goals

If we will have extra funds we can use content advertising ($5000) and build landing pages($1500)as well. And who can stop you to dream big?-maybe one day we’ll see our commercial on tv? (Lets put $200000 here).

Professional help goal

If you like our project and would like to help with your professional skills we will generously glad to have social media marketing pro and copyrighting talents! Send us a letter customcookbook@gmail.com to enjoy our growing team!

Social stretching goal

We’ll be happy with your support on social media! Thank you for all your likes, comments, and reposts!

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Business model

With Customcookbook, we are paving the way for a new business model, where the philanthropic cause is being directly linked – not to the purchase, but to the use of the service. The more you cook for your family, the more meals we donating to hungry kids of America.

Cause-related marketing is done by many for-profit companies. At Customcookbook, the philanthropic component is inseparable from its mission – to make both families happy and world the better place.
