CYAN is an Ethereum ERC20 token dedicated to providing residual income to token holders.
What is CYAN?
CYAN is an ERC20 token dedicated to providing residual income to token holders through the process of “Burning”. Any CYAN holder has the ability to “burn” some of their CYAN, leaving them unable to trade it. Burners earn weekly interest on the total amount that they have burned in the form of unlocked, tradable CYAN. Once CYAN has been burned, it will never be tradable again, removing it from the market permanently. The interest earned is normal CYAN, and can be traded as usual.
Why is it important?
CYAN is the first decentralized token that allows users to generate themselves residual income for the rest of their life. Burning CYAN is a one-time loss, but CYAN interest is earned for eternity. This opens up possibilities for financial freedoms that everybody can benefit from, and since CYAN is on the Ethereum blockchain, everybody has a chance to benefit without a third party telling them otherwise. CYAN was created to better people’s lives and help relieve the stress of financial uncertainty, and now it’s time to share it with the world!
CYAN is easily accessible.
We have spent countless hours making CYAN tools on cyancrypto.org and streamlining them to be simple and easy to use. We’ve created the Green Paper, an explanation of CYAN with all unnecessary technical mumbo-jumbo removed so anybody can understand the importance and impact of CYAN. Craving a more in-depth analysis? We’ve made the Blue Paper, which goes over all the specifics and numbers for the super-crypto-enthusiast! You can even read the source code on GitHub if you want to get under the hood.
Burning helps the market.
When CYAN is burned, it is permanently removed from the market. This lowers the CYAN supply without lowering demand, influencing the price of CYAN in a positive direction. The incentive for the burner is CYAN interest on the amount they burned for eternity. Since CYAN is immediately removed from the market upon burning but interest is received overtime, it is likely to see drastic increase in price periodically without price immediately dropping.
Claiming helps the market.
When a user claims their interest, the CYAN is added directly into their CYAN balance, increasing the total CYAN supply without changing the burnt supply. This will increase the ratio between CYAN and burnt CYAN, thus increasing interest rates.
CYAN is already up and running!
The CYAN smart contract has been deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet as of June 1, 2021! This means that CYAN is a fully functional, working product that CYAN holders can use! We are providing two easy ways to get your hands on some CYAN. The first is the CYAN ICO (initial coin offering), starting on July 21, and ending on Sep 4. The starting price during the ICO will start at $0.06 and increase linearly to $0.09 throughout the duration of the ICO. Want to get your hands on some before then? Fortunately, we’re offering CYAN as Indiegogo contribution rewards AND at a discounted price! Not only will you get some extra CYAN for a lower price, but you’ll get it on July 18, 3 days before the ICO starts!
CYAN supply and tokenomics.
CYAN’s initial total supply is 100,000,000 CYAN, or 1e20 CYANIDE. There are 1e12 (1 Trillion) CYANIDE in every 1 CYAN. The CYAN Foundation will keep 10,000,000 CYAN, some of which will be given away to the public as a promotional tool. All of the Ether that the CYAN Foundation gains from the CYAN initial coin offering will be put back into the CYAN project or another CYAN Foundation project. We will keep the public updated on our website at cyancrypto.org as well as on Twitter @CyanCrypto. Since this topic is very complex, we recommend you take a look at the CYAN Tokenomics paper for more information about the CYAN economy.
What do you get for contributing?
We’ve broken our rewards into two categories for sake of simplicity. The first category is CYAN merchandise, and the second is actual CYAN. The CYAN merchandise available includes CYAN stickers, a CYAN magnet, and the CYAN Flame Logo or CYAN Text Logo on a high quality, comfortable, elastic, and durable Unisex Tri-Blend T-Shirt.
Where will the funds go?
There are three categories that the funds will go to: Production, Publicity, and Support.
Production ($20,000):
Since the CYAN contract has been fully developed, bug tested, and deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet, the CYAN development team will be focusing on creating more tools and enhancing the existing tools at cyancrypto.org. Making useful tools that are bug-free and work as intended without any complications is usually not an easy task, which is why we only hire the right people for the job, but cheap work is not good, and good work is not cheap. That’s why we’ve allocated the most funds to production, because it’s important to us that CYAN is easily accessible to everybody.
Support ($15,000):
We know that a project of this nature attracts people from many different backgrounds. Many of the people that will use CYAN will not have experience with cryptocurrencies and working with blockchain tools. Since accessibility is one of our key focuses, we are going to allocate $15,000 to employing highly informed, experienced, and easy to work with individuals that you can interact with one-on-one to help answer any questions and resolve any issue you might have with the tools at cyancrypto.org.
Publicity ($10,000):
We know that with cryptocurrencies, more backing means more value, so for the sake of CYAN holders, we are going to launch an advertising campaign on Brave, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. We hope that this will introduce more people to CYAN, which is the key to CYAN’s success. However, we feel that CYAN is most valuable when our 3 priorities (Accessibility, Usefulness, and Freedom) are met, which is why we’ve only allocated $10,000 to publicity.
How will CYAN be delivered?
After the CYAN Indiegogo campaign ends, we will contact all contributors that have bought CYAN to find what address they would like their CYAN to be sent to. If you are unexperienced with cryptocurrencies, we will walk you through the process. Our goal is to have all CYAN delivered to the contributors within 7-14 days of the campaign ending.
How can you help?
The easiest way to help is to contribute to the Indiegogo or to buy from the ICO, but we know that some people aren’t in a position where they can contribute financially, and that’s okay! It’s amazing how much of an impact just spreading the word can do. Have friends interested in crypto? Tell them about CYAN! You could even share this Indiegogo on your social media! And we’re going to be giving away A LOT of CYAN to many winners over these next few months, so make sure to follow us on Twitter to have a chance to get some CYAN for free!
Concise CYAN Roadmap
The following is a roadmap of CYAN. This will frequently updated.
More information.
For more information, visit cyancrypto.org and read the papers.