Cybershoes are back with a new wireless version for Oculus Quest and Quest 2
“Have you ever been enjoying a nice stroll in your open world Oculus Quest 2 game and been rudely interrupted by running into your wall? Well, leave the domestic dangers of virtual reality behind with the latest, greatest must-have gaming footwear Cybershoes!” SYFY WIRE
In 2018 we conducted a successful Indiegogo and Kickstarter campaign, raising more than 350k Euros from more than 1500 backers. Since then we’ve shipped more than 3,000 Cybershoes for wired headsets on SteamVR.
We’re now excited to introduce a new wireless version of Cybershoes for Oculus Quest and make VR more immersive than ever.
You can help us, not only as contribution to the product’s production and distribution but also fuel the number of games that natively integrate Cybershoes and general awareness to drive adoption.

Your room is small but the world of VR is endless and you want to enjoy and explore it.
With the success of Oculus Quest and Quest 2, players can experience true VR without a PC or bulky wires. But players are still limited by the size of their play space.
Cybershoes for Quest let players walk around in virtual worlds, no matter what their physical space looks like.
Cybershoes gives you the chance to play real multiplayer with your friends without the fear of bumping into each other. For the first time, you can sit next to your friend in the real world, and run side by side in epic adventures while staying deeply immersed in the action.
Cybershoes for Quest works for all PC VR headsets as well when used with a PC. To show continued support for our community, the new module is compatible with all Cybershoes so if you already own the system you can simply upgrade for the Quest platform.
They are compatible with Quest/Quest2 standalone, plus Quest/Quest2+SteamVR with gaming PC, and SteamVR with any PC VR headset (see: game table).

As legs move, the chair is forgotten in no time. What counts is that you’re active and this – sort of – tricks the brain. With Cybershoes you extend the borders of your living room.
1. Connect the receiver to your Oculus Quest or Quest 2
Wireless Cybershoes connects to a Quest headset via Bluetooth and features an inside-out tracking system. The beauty is that the Cybershoes are seen as a Bluetooth gamepad by the Quest headset, making it very easy for game developers to integrate this awesome locomotion method in their games.
2. Strap on your Cybershoes / one size fits all
While seated, the user straps on the Cybershoes® over his or her shoes. One size fits all.
The calibration and linking to your VR rig is incredibly simple and getting ready to play is as easy as sitting in your favorite swivel bar stool and strapping on the Cybershoes to your feet
3. Let’s move
As legs move, the chair is forgotten in no time. What counts is that you’re active and this – sort of – tricks the brain. With Cybershoes you extend the borders of your living room.
Cybershoes are lightweight and can travel easily with you so you can stay immersed in your virtual world whenever and wherever you want.
The key functionality of Cybershoes is that the shoes are keeping their orientation.
You can walk in one direction and look in the other. By placing an additional IMU (gyroscope) inside the receiver, the raw shoe data can be processed in order to yield X and Y motion to the gamepad. The slider functions as an input multiplicator that lets you adjust the ratio of real-life speed to game speed. The button is used for pairing and to activate the “Follow Cybershoes” mode.
With their recent firmware update (v23), Oculus has resolved the issue that Bluetooth devices are forgotten after a reboot.
Directional tracking inside
The shoes keep their orientation. You can walk in the direction of your feet while looking around from side to side.

If the game supports gamepad Cybershoes will work
Core principles:
* comes as a gamepad relative to HMD
* speed should feel fast enough
* seated mode: either your solution or try ours
* get in touch for promo and knowhow: dev@cybershoes.io
Help reduce motion sickness and increase the active gaming experience!
Unity3D: ready. Unreal Engine: WIP, please contact us with your Engine & VR SDK Version.
The Unity Fast SDK is a one-pager that contains all you need to know for a quick implementation.

We have partnered with leading VR game developer Vertigo Games to integrate Cybershoes in Arizona Sunshine. With natively integrated games, setup is as easy as strapping on Cybershoes, booting up the headset, and selecting the in-game locomotion option.
“It is one of our core values to allow players to fully customize their preferred way to play. We have a few people in our office who are sensitive to motion sickness so we take comfort very seriously. Arizona Sunshine already supports a wide range of comfort options and Cybershoes provides an intuitive way to bring the player’s physical motion into the game, allowing our players to experience VR however they like.”
said Richard Stitselaar, Managing Director at Vertigo Games. “
Games you can play now with your Cybershoes:
full integration with Doom3Quest, the only fully wireless implementation of the Doom 3 single player campaign in standalone VR. This mod is built by Team Beef, and developed natively for Oculus Quest and Quest 2.
Our main focus during the realization phase is to get as many games as possible onto the compatibility list – directly integrated by the developer.
Cybershoes are designed in Austria and produced in Estonia.
On January 11th we’re loading 400 Cybershoes on board a vessel heading to the US in order to fulfill your pledges ahead of time
Cybershoes, Inc. is a Vienna and USA based consumer electronics company changing the way people interact with and move within virtual worlds. The company’s first product, Cybershoes, allows users to walk through virtual reality experiences with their actual feet, without leaving the comfort of home.
You have not experienced true VR until you have taken your first real strides and taken your first big leap. Get a pair and feel the difference of using your feet for the first time, again.
Risks and challenges
Hardware is hard. The “CyQuest” hardware is already developed and pre-production test-runs are happening right now. Those units are also out for review at YouTubers and journalists. In addition to that there are some new molded parts in shoes and the receiver. Improvements come with the chair and the carpet. We’ve delivered our 2019 Indiegogo to every backer in 2019 / 2020. It took longer as projected and cost three times as much as we thought. We’ve learned from that. We’ve doubled the amount of time we are projecting for realization. We do not price dump in order to get a crazy amount of orders. You get the best price we can afford. Take into consideration, it’s a low-volume and high-quality product. Game integration deserves a lot of attention.
We do not share your data without your consent and keep it secure at all times. Cybershoes, Inc. is a subsidiary of the Austrian Cybershoes GmbH and strong GDPR rules are in place. Also, we believe that you should own your hardware. We will invite the users of the Cybershoes App to contribute to the big goal: to run together to Mars. We plan to collect anonymized user data in order to understand how to optimize.
Third-party dependencies:
Low probability with high impact: Oculus disables or limits functionality that Cybershoes depend on. E.g. Bluetooth or Bluetooth gamepad support gets removed completely.
Some of the planned games do not work on the Quest with Cybershoes. During the implementation, certain assumptions may turn out false. Of course, we will try to compensate with other games.
It may turn out that not all features (e.g. the stretch goals) can be delivered in time. This should not hinder delivering the product to the backers because the software can be updated.
Unforeseen threats:
Regarding Corona mitigation: we’re planning on having all parts at the factory in February leaving us room for potential delays in the supply chain. Other than that, fingers crossed.
In the US and the EU Cybershoes will be delivered free of duty. For all products delivered in the EU, we render 20%VAT to the authorities. This explains why we try to keep the tiers at a level for the US and the EU by imposing some shipping costs on EU deliveries. Regarding other countries, taxes and customs may incur and are to be paid by the backer.