A Degree Worth Dying For
Short Summary
My name is Swisyzinna (Swiss-Zena) and I am an award wining actress and Director. I began acting at the tender age of 8. As I became of age I began traveling the world as an actress and landed in multiple films along the way. During this time I was able to pick up directing credits for stage plays. I later moved to LA, where I began directing short films. I then landed the gig of directing the series Stepford Sidechix which later became Pre-Emmy nominated. I directed two seasons totaling sixteen episodes before we were put on hiatus due to the Corona Virus Pandemic.
During the pandemic, I decided that if I couldn’t be actively on set directing I should take this opportunity to learn the technical side of the craft. I enrolled into college to receive my MFA in Directing and Acting. I am now at the end stages of my program which requires me to shoot a film.
The film I am shooting is entitled Death Ph.D. Death The film is about students who are getting their PH.D. in Parapsychology. While in class their professor, Dr. Sanchez, presents them with the option to forego completing their seven year program and spend one night in the infamous haunted “Sugarland House.” If they stay in the house for one night and record their findings and turn them in, they are guaranteed a graduation spot in the upcoming graduation ceremony. Now let’s be honest, that’s less work, a quicker graduation time which equals less tuition and that Dr. title sooner than later.
This is where you come in. By contributing to this project you will not only have the opportunity to watch a film like nothing you’ve ever seen before, you will also be helping me secure my degree. It’s a win win for everyone. I can’t do it without you and there is no amount that is too small so if you can find it in your heart, please donate.
What We Need & What You Get
To complete this film I need $80,000. With this amount I will be able to pay my very talented cast, the director of photography, a 1st AD, 2nd AD, 1st and 2nd AC, hair and make-up artist, a special effects team, as well as, stunts, wardrobe, sound, catering, production assistants, gaffers, key grips and a myriad of other positions that I need to make this project a success. I want to be able to honor everyones talents and pay them fair wages to create the best project possible.
I have a number of perks available for those who would like to really put a dent in this very large number but please know any donation amount is welcomed.
-Writing with Lenore (Lenore Coer is a writer for Hallmark, the OWN network, Netflix and Youtube) You will be set up with a one on one opportunity to either present your script to Lenore and get professional feedback or a one on one opportunity to zoom talk with her about how to make it in the writers world of Hollywood… donation is set at $1000
– Demo Reel: Are you an actor or actress looking to create the perfect demo reel but you need a little more content to have your desired result. If you choose the demo reel perk you will get two custom made scripts of your preference, whether you want a comedy and a drama, two dramas, two comedies or even one classical and one monologue it’s up to you. This perk comes with a director, a camera and sound person, 2 different scene partners, location and a full edited reel after the filming of your scenes…donation is set at $1500
-Private Acting Class for Commercials: this is a one day intensive of 4 hours 5 maximum in attendance…donation is set at $150
-Private Acting Class for Theatrical: this is a one day intensive of 4 hours 6 maximum in attendance…donation is set at $150
-Executive Producer Credit: Get your name on the big screen as an EP, also you get to sit in on two pre-production meetings of your choice and one day on set. The maximum numbers of EP’s are 16, so don’t hesitate if you want the credit …donation set at $5,000.
-Photo shoot: Do you want to look fabulous in your best garbs? Take this perk. A one hour photo shoot on location, you’ll be cute for years to come…donation set at $75
-Graphic design for 1 poster: Do you need a poster designed for your upcoming event, movie, show or personal desire. You can get the work done here. You bring the idea, we’ll get you the image…donation set at $125
-Dinner with a Celebrity: Who will it be? Who knows? Take a chance and you’ll get to choose between a number of available times. Once that’s settled you’ll receive a location and time and will get the surprise of a lifetime…donation is set at $500
-Full access pass ( come watch Swisyzinna work her magic in person): Come on set and walk a day in my shoes from beginning to end. Be a part of the morning speech, get the chance to call action and cut on set. Be a part of the choices made for the day, eat lunch with the crew and hang around up until the day is wrapped…donation is set at $2500
If for some reason I am not able to reach my full goal. I will take the funds that I have raised and scale back on the crew and make the film with the total that I do have available. I have a saying that goes “I can and I will” so please know that whether you see me hit the $80,000 or if it’s a mere $40,000 this movie will be made!
The Impact
Your contribution can be the difference between me being able to explore my full potential in storytelling, which means I’m not limited by cost vs me having to cut corners and do without to still get the story told. Your contribution can help me have a peace of mind walking on set day 1 and give me mental freedom while I’m in pre-production of this project.
My project is valuable to the world because I believe, in the world of horror, there are not enough Black voices telling stories about our interpretation of fear, angst and discomfort. For years we have watched other ethnicities make decisions in dire circumstances that aren’t conducive to how we think nor how we react. Death Ph.D. will be a voice telling a story that hasn’t been heard before. It will open up conversations, while showing everyone how we show up in the world.
I have won Best Student Horror at LA Indie Horror Fest for my short Film Cult:Fear is Not of God. I was accepted into La Mesa Horror Shorts in Los Angeles, for the same project. I was nominated for Best Horror Sci-Fi and my lead actress won the Best Actress Award at the HBO Official Latino Film Festival for Cult:Fear is Not of God. I also directed the series Stepford Sidechix which was Pre-nominated for an Emmy.
This is beyond a passion project although it is a passion of mine. This is where the rubber meets the road. I have to produce a film that is worthy of my name, shows how I can contribute to the future of film and can be my proof to show the world and my university that I deserve to have a MFA degree, not because I did the bare minimum but because I pushed myself and did what I know I am capable of doing. Again I have to believe I can and I will. The question is will you help me?
Risks & Challenges
On this project my biggest risk is not being able to have enough resources to have a great SFX team or stunt coordinators. I’m nervous to make a project that looks cheesy and lacks the innovation that is readily available in 2022/2023. However, I’m prepared to reach out to schools and universities who specialize in effects, stunts and make up to extend the opportunity for their students to get professional training on my set, while helping me bring Death Ph.D. to life.
I don’t give up easily and failing is not an option. I have worked on multiple sets where I have had to think on my feet and troubleshoot a situation in real time and make the hard decisions. I’m no stranger to this and I am prepared to face any and all challenges that come my way.
Other Ways You Can Help
Hey there,
If financial donations are not how you can help, don’t worry there is still something for you to do! Share this campaign with as many people as you can. And once you’ve shared it with everyone you know, share it with people you don’t know. If you’re not big on social media use your word of mouth. Talk to others about how excited you are about seeing this project come to fruition. Remind others that there is a new voice in town and they definitely want to hear it.
Maybe you would like to be of service and would prefer to donate your time to the project. Maybe you have a catering business and would like to donate lunch or breakfast for the day. Maybe you own a clothing line and want to donate wardrobe to the actors. Maybe you love doing hair and want to make wigs for the “scary talent” in the film. Maybe you simply want to learn the ends and out of set life and want to be a production assistant. The point is there is something that each and every one of us is gifted with and I would love for you to share your gifts with the cast and crew of Death Ph.D.
….And just in case you’re wondering all service donations listed above come with a screen credit. Win, win!!!
Don’t forget to use the Indiegogo share tools to keep this campaign relevant and popping! Let’s make a movie!!!