Demons of Asteborg DX is a remake of the infamous original for GBA and Neo-Geo systems.
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Demons of Asteborg DX is the remake of our very first video game: Demons of Asteborg.
If you know Neofid Studios, you also know that we have distinguished ourselves so far with our developments for the Sega Megadrive/Genesis, which we have pushed to the limit of its capabilities.
In order to overcome the technical limitations of the latter and to present an even more ambitious version of the game, we have decided this time to develop for two more powerful consoles: the Game Boy Advance and the Neo-Geo.
In 2021, thanks to you, the success of Demons of Asteborg on Megadrive exceeded our expectations and propelled us among the top developers in the field. Today, in order to repay the most loyal fans of our flagship license, we are stepping up again to perfect the player experience of Demons of Asteborg.
More power, more colors, more content, better difficulty balancing, and many bonuses compared to the original version: with the capabilities of the GBA and the Neo-Geo, we offer you a renewed and even more exceptional gaming experience.
A game that is more beautiful, fairer, and much more enjoyable.
At its release, Demons of Asteborg was the largest game ever published on Sega Megadrive with no less than 120 MB of content:
- 10 Levels
- 4 playable characters
- 3 difficulty modes
- 8 Special Powers
- Over a hundred different enemies
- 10 Boss to defeat
The challenge is huge, but we will do everything in our power to continue pushing the limits.
What a complete remake (including sprites) could look like !
If the campaign is successful enough, we migh even discover new levels in Asteborg !
We want to take our time to release the best possible version of Demons of Asteborg DX, we plan to start shipping the GBA version by June 2025, while the Neo-Geo version will have to wait until Christmas 2025.
You can take a listen at the reworked Village and Boss theme here :
We’ll take advantage of this IndieGogo campaign to listen to your feedback and make any necessary adjustments.
The scope of this remake will obviously depend on the funds collected during this IndieGogo campaign.
The initial goal of €80,000 will allow us to first redo all the scenery (Tilesets and Backgrounds) and music of DOA to take advantage of the capabilities of the GBA and the Neo-Geo.
We also plan to rework certain sections of the game taking into account significant feedback from players of the original game.
Gareth’s range of actions has grown enormously!
He’s now able to swim, counter, use charged attacks, turn around during fights and even perform spin jumps!
Gareth can now perform counters ! Learn the right timing and destroy your foes !
The capabilities of these new consoles will obviously change the way some features of Demons of Asteborg were implemented on its Megadrive version. As a result, the GBA version will, for example, have more advanced lighting effects, rotated sprites, or different parallax levels.
It’s hard to say everything here, but you’ll now be able to enter and visit some of the game’s houses! What can you possibly find there?
To make the game accessible to as many people as possible, we have decided to offer this new edition in 10 languages: English, French, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and German.
Oh, and of course, you can still pet the dog
In addition to benefiting from the reworked graphics common to both new versions, the Neo-Geo version will display more details thanks to its higher resolution. Furthermore, it will feature a new two-player mode.
Since the GBA and Neo-Geo have very different hardware, the two versions cannot be entirely similar. Therefore, each of these experiences will be different from the other.
We’ll be reworking the camera system and some parts of the level design so that the GBA’s reduced resolution won’t be a problem. Here you can see the GBA version’s field of view in blue, while the full image will be visible on the NeoGeo version of the game.
No digital edition?
As of today, we do not plan to make the ROM files of Demons of Asteborg DX available for several reasons.
1. As Retrogaming enthusiasts, the Neofid Studios team considers that packaging is almost as important as the game itself. Favoring a physical release only is also giving value to this collectible item.
2. We found a page where DOA was illegally downloaded over 20,000 times, while on our side, we struggle to achieve financial balance. We now wish to ensure the sustainability of our company to continue offering you quality games, while valuing the product. We believe that players who know and appreciate the value of our work will agree with this. As such, the physical versions of the game will feature specific hardware that will work on all consoles offering true hardware compatibility.
3. The last reason concerns only the GBA version and is ultimately the simplest: the Game Boy Advance supports default cartridges of up to 32MB maximum. Like for the Megadrive version, it is possible that we exceed this size, in which case we will implement our bank-switching model, which, to our knowledge, is not emulatable to this day.
In general, the constraint of compatibility with emulators and other Everdrive has been a limiting factor for our previous games, so we wish to overcome this for this project.
Subsequent stretch goals will be revealed gradually. Stay tuned, some of them will surely please you!
For this new edition, we offer two distinct packs: the Regular edition, which includes only the game and a small number of goodies, as well as the Collector’s edition, which includes the game, goodies, a CD containing the OST of the game, an artbook, and a unique collector’s box!
Artist’s vision, the visuals of these products are not final and may change.
During these past 3 years, we have had the opportunity to see people play Demons of Asteborg on the various platforms on which it has been released.
We have also had the time to develop and release Astebros, the spiritual successor to DOA, in which we have grown stronger as developers.
With our experience and your numerous feedback (as well as that of the press), we are committed to doing our best to make this new version of Demons of Asteborg up to standard.
We are very confident about successfully completing this project. Our main challenge will be not to fall behind with deliveries. That’s why we are focusing on simple rewards to have the best possible organization for our team.
Special thanks
We would like to thank all the artists that helped us create the prototype of Demons of Asteborg DX
– Danmakuman
– arcadehero
– Qama
– Blazingfireomega
– Vierbit
– Evan park
– Rodion
– Limitiv
– Cyrasa3D
– Tuï
We’d also like to thank GValiente (Butano devkit) and Kannagi (NGDK) for their incredible work on behalf of the homebrew scene.