$51,804 raised out of $3,000
Start date
Aug 15, 2023
Close date
Aug 16, 2023

Join the Halloween fun! Collect candy sets use your cards and out-prank the little trick-or-treaters




















Use each Character’s asymmetrical ability for amazing bonuses


Bribe the pranksters with some candy of their liking to make them someone else’s problem!


Gather many scary decorations to make them run in fear!


If you can’t bribe or scare them, you will get pranked!


You shouldn’t be above doing some harm to your neighbours, let them deal with all the pranks and mischief!


Do not forget to arm yourselves with precious candy and scary decorations!



















Risks and challenges

Ding Dong has already been developed and tested extensively by play testers, early reviewers, dedicated friends, family, and fans. The game is close to completion; final designs and stretch goals remain to be tested, according to the goals met. However, we are certain that we will be able to keep the deadlines we have promised on the project’s timeline and bring our game to you in time.


Long-lasting design

Every component has been the subject of careful design and will be produced according to high-quality manufacturing standards. Especially wooden components which are made from wood, which guarantee long life & playability. Whenever possible we guarantee to look for and use recycled & recyclable materials to minimize our environmental footprint. The same also applies to the production factory.


Reusability and recyclability

Cardboard on tokens and boards can be recycled.


Environmentally friendly factories

We will try to combine production quality with a minimum environmental footprint.


Something else

Most of the demo prototypes and test components were made using only recycled and upcycled materials, cardboard leftovers, salvaged wood, etc.
