An Alternate Reality Trading Card Game where every unique playable card is an immersive treasure hunt.

Dinn will launch with two types of booster packs.
A traditional booster pack: with over one-hundred cards. Every card could be a powerful addition to your deck.
Each card will have a unique ARG puzzle and a unique reward for the first person to solve them. The ARG story elements in the traditional booster pack will all be set in the past, providing valuable information about the characters and set up the mystery.
A Story Pack: We’re also launching with a new kind of booster pack. A community-driven story pack. These will be released each month and will contain ten powerful cards, and will be designed in response to how the community is solving the traditional booster pack puzzles and last months story puzzles.
As the community solves the story pack puzzles in a specific order will change the story of Dinn in favor of specific characters.