$1,208 raised out of $78,600

Divot Grip is a patent protected golf grip for all putters that contains prongs to fix divots on the greens of all golf courses.


Divot Grip is a patent mid size grip for your putter that will fix divot’s and ball marks with ease. You will no longer have to bend over and fix your divots on the green. Plus with the prong design it will also aerate the grass around the troubled spot to help heal and allow water in to rejuvenate the grass.

I came up with the idea, funny enough, while I was in the shower. Eventually I pulled a few things together and built the first prototype in my buddies back yard. Did not do much with it tell I was told many a time I better patent that grip before they steal my idea. So I did with my brother Brandon as my partner. The patent process took a little over a year but we are patent pending now!!!

 As we were waiting for the patent, my Brother and I made multiple tools with different prong configurations. With a lot of R&D we came up with the two short, two long configuration. We do believe if more people use Divot Grip, it will clean the greens and help keep them green because people will be more likely to fix their divots at the time it was made. If you fix a divot right away it will take 2 days for it to heal. If it is not fixed and the groundskeeper has to repair later that day or the next morning it will take up to two weeks and the grass will turn yellow. 


Divot Grip will also come with a DG ball marker. So now you will have all you need for the green on your putter. No more hat clips for ball markers and no more holes in the pockets due to sharp divot tools.

Pledge Today

If you pledge today you will also have choices for your rewards based on how much you pledge. We will have golf shirts with the DG logo in white or green in small, medium, large, X large and XX large.

We also have Women’s cut shirts with the DG logo in White or green in small, medium, large.

Women’s cut golf shirts

Depending on the pledge you pick, there will also be DG golf hats in Flex-fit with small/medium and large/ X large available. There will be snapback cap for all sizes if preferred.

DG golf hats

 Production & Cost

Once we get funding Divot Grip will be MADE in AMERICA! So we will work on the tooling for the molds. The cap and base of the tool will be made of aluminum. This mold will cost around $10,000. Then we will also work on a mold for the grip with the patent pocket for the tool. This will cost around $20,000. Once we approve the molds we will produce the grip in Arizona and it will then come back to Southern California where we will apply the tool and cap to the product and it will be ready for sale and ship around the US to the consumer. Shipping cost is a third of our cost and will be added to our total pledge goal.


If we surpass our goal and break $200k , we will have three size grips. Original, mid size and a fat grip. We will also have multiple color choices for grips, caps, ball markers and apparel. 
