We’re bringing a lesbian bar to Portland, OR.
Picture it, NYC, September 2021. We were together in a famed lesbian bar in the West Village seeing each other for the first time since the pandemic. Olga, who moved to Portland in 2018 with her wife, Anna, lamented the lack of such a space in her new hometown. Ferry, who travels extensively for work and consistently gets laughed at by Google when searching “lesbian bars” in whichever city she’s blown into that week, lamented that there wasn’t such a space in Portland or anywhere else for that matter. Before we knew it, the phrase “We should open a bar!” came out and the ball was rolling.
Accepting the fact that we are living in the End Times made it clear that doing anything other than creating a fun, safe space for a bunch of queers and those who love them was pointless. Thanks to a lot of (mostly Olga’s) hard work, lucky breaks and what we affectionately call “Universe Shit”, things aligned in such a way that we will be able to open the doors of Doc Marie’s on June 1st, 2022.
We are simply gobsmacked by the amount of love and support we have already received. All of our gobs are thoroughly smacked. Now is the super fun part where we have to ask for that love and support to be translated to cold, hard cash. 60% of bars don’t survive their first year. We are humbly asking for some help to ensure this dream can become not just the place to be this Pride but an established community space for date nights, dance parties, post-game celebrations and (mostly Ferry’s) terrible puns.
Your generous donations will go towards our first few months of operating expenses, ensuring that we are able to get Doc Marie’s up and running and successfully.