Personalized weight loss plan, tracker & support to help your dog live a longer, healthier life
Obesity Steals Years…
…From Your Dog’s Life.
Obesity is an epidemic and the number one preventable health issue our dogs face today.
You can expand your overweight dog’s life by up to 2 years, by simply getting your dog on a tech-enabled program to help get them to their optimal weight. That’s why we created DogYears, empowering pet owners with the tools, knowledge and support to help dogs safely lose weight.
We have worked with vets to create the initial beta version, and will continue to do so through final development.
Look what’s included in DogYears App and 16-Week Support Program
Feeding Plan: We help you calculate the daily nutritional needs tailored specifically for your dog and their food (retail and vet foods). You are simply able to measure and feed this amount of food (and snacks).
Support: Weight loss can be difficult if going at it alone, luckily, you’re not! From check-ins to Q&A, or simply offering encouragement and support –we’re here for you as you help your dog with this positive life change!
Progress tracking: Stay motivated! Access your dog’s very own Progress Tracker where you can track weight and upcoming goals as you progress through your dog’s weight loss success,
Helpful Hints: Actionable tips sent straight to your phone and email to make your dog’s weight loss journey easier.
Community: You’re not alone! DogYears users get exclusive access to a members only Facebook group where you can share pictures, videos and tips with other online dog owners.
Activity: Get some quality time with your dog with planned activities!
Overview of the beta version app:
More on the Story
As we’ve already said, excess weight can steal years from your pet’s life. Over 55% of our pets, or about 80 million, are overweight, increasing the risk of serious health conditions that not only can hurt them, but your pocket, too.
More on our Solution
Helping our pets lose weight isn’t easy, but DogYears can make it easier by giving you the tools and support needed to successfully lose weight in a completely customized, personal way.
Think of it as Weight Watchers for dogs: it’s an app-driven, personally tailored weight loss program using your dog’s favorite complete food. It’s designed from the ground up to help pet owners get their dog down to their ideal weight safely and effectively.
It’s hard to know your dog’s ideal weight and how much food to feed to get them there, their proper rate of weight loss, how many snacks are ok for your dog, and even the best ways to handle begging.
DogYears makes it simple. By enrolling in the DogYears program and entering some basic information (sex, weight, current dog food(s),etc), we provide you a customized feeding and snacking program complete with progress trackers, videos and one-on-one support with our team. All unique to your best friend —to make sure they get the personal attention they deserve.
We even include access to the DogYears community of owners and their dogs going through the process together to make weight loss more fun!
By combining these factors into one, easy-to-use program, DogYears provides a complete individualized weight loss solution for dogs!
How We’ll Use the Funds
We will use the first $60,000 raised to:
- Complete the app to automatically calculate ideal weight, feeding and treating amounts, and progress tracking. 100% customized to each dog.
- Complete and maintain database of over 3,000 dog foods, both prescription and non-prescription and wet and dry.
- Build out support and education for pet owners to be sent via text and email (think Weight Watchers for Dogs )
- Complete our program validation with veterinarians.
Stretch Goal – $80,000
- Create a robust healthy treats Database (including the “not so healthy”!)
- Create a DogYears Healthy is Happy(TM) online pet/owner community
Stretch Goal – $250,000
Woot woot! Cats are important too!! Cat pet parents face different needs and programmatic support for safe & effective feline weight loss, We will develop feline specific app build-out to support:
- Automated calculation of feline ideal weight, feeding and treating feeding amounts, and progress tracking. 100% customized to each cat.
- Complete and maintain 2,000+ wet and dry cat food database
- Validate feline program with veterinarians.
One Million ‘DogYears’:
An Amazing Opportunity!
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could help 500,000 dogs add a couple years to their lives? We can do it with your help. By backing early and spreading the word, you help your own dog and your friend’s, neighbor’s, and family’s! EVERY dog deserves the opportunity to be a healthy weight!
What You Can Do
If you want to make the biggest impact on helping more dogs lose weight and live longer and healthier lives, there are two easy things you can do:
- Buy a perk early in the campaign for your own dog or for someone else’s is the best way you can help! By contributing early, you not only get access to our early bird specials, but importantly, it also helps to build early momentum which increases the campaign profile and associated awareness to other dog owners on the platform.
- After you grab yourself a perk, tell your friends! By spreading the word, we can get more interest and support to quickly finish building this into the best solution to solve obesity. It’s easy, too — just click the “share” buttons here on Indiegogo.
Who We Are
We’re an experienced team having developed many human and veterinary healthcare products, and passionate about helping animals. In bringing a prescription weight loss product for dogs to the veterinary market, we also developed an app for veterinarians to help them complete complex nutritional calculations quickly. While talking to vets, we learned that support and education for pet owners is important for weight loss and vets simply don’t have the time during the short office visits.
We quickly realized how important this aspect was, and by expanding the app and taking it straight to pet parents, we have the potential to help all overweight dogs and cats and potentially add millions of years back to our animals’ lives – how awesome is that?!
Eye-Opening Facts
(Eye-opening facts are courtesy of Banfield Pet Hospital)