Smartphone Control | AI-Powered Object Tracking | One-Click GOTO | Gigapixel Panorama
From one of the world’s leading pioneers of cutting-edge products that break limits, we bring you the latest innovation. DWARF II – the Portable and Versatile Smart telescope that is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Are you an amateur astronomer, bird watcher, wildlife photographer, or just a photography enthusiast that needs to capture things you can’t get close enough to like a ball game? Well, DWARF II is exactly what you need. Unlike traditional telescopes that are bulky and costly, DWARF II allows you to explore your interests without hassle, DWARF II lets you enjoy incredible detail in a super-small size. The above is DWARF I, which was launched last year. We had 3,867 backers, and successfully delivered all of the units. Thanks to their trust and constructive feedback, we’ve got the chance to upgrade DWARF I. Here comes the DWARF II.
“Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.” — Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason “If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.” –Robert Capa Connect your smartphone/tablet and DWARF II via WiFi, then you can easily control DWARF II through DWARF App and take pictures/videos. DWARF App is compatible with Android and iOS devices. We will provide API and developer documentation. You can even run your own programs on DWARF II.
Due to Earth’s rotation, the stars move slowly in the sky. DWARF II can automatically track the stars. DWARF II can rotate around the altitude and azimuth along the movement of stars. DWARF II uses a field-rotation-correction algorithm to avoid the field rotation. Then you can use DWARF II to track deep-sky objects with long exposure time. Automatic registration after multiple exposures, DWARF II stacks the images into a bright and clear image. It helps you to record deep-sky objects easily.
Have you ever tried taking a picture with ONE BILLION pixels? DWARF II can capture multiple images through 2-axis scanning, then stitch them into ONE picture. The pixel count can even reach ONE BILLION! Try it for yourself!
Select the target object through framing it, then use the Object Tracking function in DWARF App to track it. The object tracking of DWARF II is realized through multiple deep learning networks, including SiamMask (CVPR 2019), SiamRPN++ (CVPR 2019 oral), DaSiamRPN (ECCV 2018), SiamRPN (CVPR 2018), and SiamFC (ECCV 2016). The networks are accelerated by the NPU (Neural-Network Processing Unit) in DWARF II.
DWARF II is a periscopic telescope. We use a prism to fold the light path. DWARF II can rotate in altitude and azimuth. The altitude axis passes through the centroid of the optical tube (including prism, lens, sensor, etc.). This structure can significantly reduce the moment of inertia around the altitude axis. Furthermore, the optical tube will not “rise up” when you raise up the altitude angle. As a result, the centroid of DWARF II is low. So that the vibration can be reduced, especially when there is wind. Through this design, we can ensure DWARF II has good stability and a small size, allowing that you can use it outdoor to take fantastic images instead of shaky ones. I believe you’ve never seen a telescope that looks like this. You’ll love this design.
DWARF II has two cameras, a wide-angle camera, and a telephoto camera. Through the wide-angle camera, you can take pictures/videos as a normal camera, or preview the field of view. Aim the target in the middle of the wide-angle view, then the telephoto camera is aiming your target. And the telephoto image is always at a fixed place (near the center ) of the wide-angle image.
The color of the indicator light will change according to different states of use of DWARF II, and the light color can be customized.
The IR light is cut off in the default state. You can turn the filter off if you want to capture images with IR light.
The solar filter reduces the light and harmful radiation without reducing the contrast of the subject, and can achieve better image quality. Filter adapter ring is compatible with any 1.25″ filter. Ease your low-battery anxiety 20W quick-charge DWARF II can charge your phone
When the phone is connected to the DWARF II, the images inside the TF card can be viewed directly on the DWARF II App.
Shoot with DWARF II in 3 steps
DWARF II is compact and intelligent. It integrates the imaging system, 2-axis rotation control, auto-focus, wireless image transmission, tracking algorithm, and so on.
Traditional astronomical observation telescopes need to be equipped with an equatorial instrument and a camera to photograph deep-sky objects. They cost at least $1500 and are very bulky. However, DWARF II is rather small-sized, user-friendly and cost-effective. 1. The object tracking of DWARF II is realized through multiple deep learning networks, including SiamMask (CVPR 2019), SiamRPN++ (CVPR 2019 oral), DaSiamRPN (ECCV 2018), SiamRPN (CVPR 2018), and SiamFC (ECCV 2016). 2. The star tracking of DWARF II is realized through rotation in altitude and azimuth, and field-rotation-correct algorithm. 3. The NPU (Neural-Network Processing Unit) in DWARF II has 2 TOPS computing power. It can significantly accelerate the deep learning networks to realize real-time response. Furthermore, it supplies scalability for upgrades. We’d love it if you could tell your friends, family, and the rest of the world about the DWARF II! To show our gratitude, we’ve teamed up with Kickbooster. For every backer you refer to this Indiegogo project, we’ll give you 10% of their pledge amount. Sign up now on Kickbooster. Once you’re signed up, you’ll get a personal link to share through social media, email, or any other platform you like. If you contribute to the DWARF II campaign and share it with your friends and family on social media, we will send a small gift–TINYSCOPE Microscope! It is our first product. You can use it to photograph the tiny things around you. You will like it. Back Us Now & Win aTINYSCOPE Microscope!See below for detailed instructions: Click on the social links below to share the DWARF II campaign with your friends and family! Leave a comment under the discussion area on the campaign page and tell us, “Why are you excited for DWARF II?” along with your contribution number and link to your shared social post. Our team will record your contribution numbers and ship the TINYSCOPE Microscope along with your DWARF II. Hi, friends on Indiegogo. We are the TINYSCOPE team. We work on novel and cool imaging products. Our team is founded by Ph. Ds in the fields of optical design, machine vision, electronic engineering, and mechanical engineering. Telescope is a powerful tools that helps us to discover this world. We are determined to bring telescope into the intelligent age. And we want to make the best smart telescope in the world. Before we launched DWARF, we had only 10 members. Now, we have more than 50 members. We hope to grow with your r support. Thanks! We hope you can accompany us, and make some cool things with us together! Thank you for your support, we provide the following services:
If you find a problem in quality without artificial damage, please contact us in 12 months, and we will send a new unit to you.
We will give an update about the progress once a month, and keep in touch with you. |