Let our 310 yrs of experience in M&A, CyberRisk, IP, and Medical Devices push your company to a new level..
Provide a succession plan to retiring small business owners
E&E Electronics LLC (“E&E”) has been set up to strategically build an Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) medical device company to improve the quality, cost-effectiveness, and reach of global health care through private and governmental acquisitions. Not only will we be reducing avoidable deaths especially in remote and crisis areas, but our contribution to remote sensing will allow more patients to be diagnosed on-site and in a more efficient and timely manner.
Every year, there are 56.6 million deaths around the world (United Nations, 2017).1 Of those deaths, 8.6 million are attributed to the low and middle-income population of much of the world, encompassing 134 countries (Kruk, Gage, Joseph, Danaei, Garcia-Saiso, & Salomon, 2018; Miller, 2018; Schreiber, 2018).2 Good-quality healthcare systems could have saved 5 million of these lives, as they were from treatable conditions.
We synergize AI and medical device technology to identify and support the global concern related to a lack of medical awareness and treatment of treatable illnesses leading to death. We will achieve this support and awareness by acquiring and improving the valuations of firms involved in our pursuit of this global concern by achieving both (i) effectiveness through economies of scale, and (ii) significant investment in capacity, research, and solution offerings, as supported by our experienced board with over $47 Billion in deals, 310 years of combined experience, and 210 transactions.
Built on a business model of acquisitions, followed by organic growth, our primary objective is to win government contracts while acquiring similar AI, Cyber Risk Management, and Medical Device companies in the government contracting space. E&E will introduce technological advancements within the medical industry and be highly successful within the government contract arena. These social and technical improvements will revolutionize access to global healthcare by providing connectivity with a specialized practitioner anywhere and at any time, leveling the social playing field across all income strata. A global community supporting a global concern through technology even in the most remote of locations.
- World Mortality 2017: Data Booklet. New York: United Nations. (2017). Retrieved from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division (2017): https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/…
- Margaret E Kruk, M., Anna D Gage, M., Naima T Joseph, M., Goodarz Danaei, S., Sebastian GarciaSaiso, M., & Prof Joshua A Salomon, P. (2018, September 5). Journals. Retrieved from The Lancet:
Miller, J. (2018, June 4). Harvard Medical School – News & Research. Retrieved from Harvard Medical School: https://hms.harvard.edu/news/high–cost–preventable–deaths
Schreiber, M. (2018, September 5). Goats and Soda. Retrieved from National Public Radio: