Ecological Goat Farm participates in the program of Conservation of Genetic Resources of Farm Animals
Ultramodern Self-Sufficient Ecological Goat Farm
Ecological Goat Farm participates in the program of Conservation of Genetic Resources of Farm Animals.
The philosophy behind the establishment of a Goat Farm is the protection and reconstruction of the Carpathian Goat breed.
In the United Kingdom, the number of animals covered by the Genetic Resources Program for Carpathian Goats is currently 154 pieces, the species is currently in extinction, and we want to reconstruct the race.
We wish to preserve and multiply the species at the same time producing high-quality natural cheeses in an ecological environment.
We have designed the Ecological Goat Farm as an ultra-modern self-sufficient ecological farm with leading breeding of dairy Carpathian Goats and the production of cottage cheese and long-keeping cheese.
Ecological goat breeding is based on solid principles of natural resources protection, limitation of carbon footprint, food and consumption of locally grown and prepared dishes, as well as creating a better world for life.
This unique perspective clearly shows the quality of the organic production of cheese, green gardens, natural food and the ease of achieving it all.
Ecological Goat Farm will be created out of love for nature to meet the growing needs of the community in the range of natural, local and organic food that shares the same views and is concerned about what they eat and what they feed their children. This is a community that is tired of “fresh” cheese bought in the grocery store. When it is more than likely that these “fresh” cheeses have been decorated with artificial dyes and stuffed with fillers and E, depriving them of virtually the entire nutritional value.
Creating Ecological Goat Farm we had in mind the implementation of ecology in every aspect of the farm, from healthy rearing goats to renewable energy sources necessary for the smooth and healthy functioning of the farm.
Photo-voltaic glass
Onyx Solar is the world’s leading producer of transparent photo-voltaic (PV) glass for buildings. PV glass is used as a building material and as an energy generating device that captures sunlight and converts it into electricity. PV was made of two or more sheets of toughened glass, safe and providing the same thermal and sound insulation and natural light as conventional architectural glass. Therefore, it is installed instead of ordinary glass on the facades of buildings, curtain walls, atrium, roofs and terrace floor.
Photo-voltaic roof facade – Onyx Solar has designed a photo-voltaic ventilated façade and roof system that provides undeniable aesthetics, great thermal properties and a new source of free, clean electricity.
Ecological Goat Farm, which draws on the resources of Onyx Solar – a recognized and awarded (over 40 awards) a global leader of transparent PV glass for buildings, would be the only undertaking of this type in Poland, if not in Europe.
Green technology – Biological wastewater treatment and Zero Waste Policy
By treating the Ecological Goat Farm as one living, healthy organism, we adhere to the Zero Waste principle. We have set ourselves the goal of reducing to an absolute minimum the production of rubbish and waste and for the purposes of Organic Goat Farm, apply the 5R rule:
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot (compost).
The collected funds will serve to create the most modern and the only self-sufficient in energy and production of the goat farm supporting the reconstruction of the Carpathian Goat breed.
The collected funds will serve to create the most modern and the only self-sufficient in energy and production of the goat farm supporting the reconstruction of the Carpathian goat breed.
We want to start building an organic farm within a month. The support, that you will give us, will not only help preserve the dying race of the Carpathian goat but also create a local market for farm goat cheeses that do not exist now.
Our farm will be an example for other farmers who want to modernize the collapsing unprofitable farms.
Once the Ecological Goat Farm starts it’s activity, you will be very welcome to visit us.
Thank you.