A community built taproom and brewery in Englewood on Chicago’s south side
We are Englewood Brews! An award-winning brewery on Chicago’s Southside.
Our mission is to strengthen, support, and revitalize the social, economic and physical infrastructure of Englewood. Our brewery celebrates the art and culture of the community with a call to action for diversity and inclusion in beer. We partner with local artists and residents to create a taproom experience that shows the pride of place present in our community. Connecting to this message and contributing to this campaign shows your commitment to creating a community around craft beer that represents opportunity and collaboration.
Englewood Brews is the Pride of Englewood.
Your contribution has impact!
We are seeking to raise $50,000 to provide jobs and skills training for local residents.
The money raised does more than just put a much needed wage into someone’s pocket
or build out a space. It facilitates members of our community coming together to take an active role in building the neighborhood’s collective future. Their participation in helping us build this taproom fosters community ownership and pride of place, creating a connection that results in a beautiful space for everyone to come together to share a great craft beer experience. This is what we mean by “Community Built.”
We are Connection to Englewood, Chicago and the craft beer community by working together
Our Brewery is Growing Roots in the community by providing jobs and skill building for future generations
We are Innovators in the industry committed to putting diversity first
Our Goal is to Sustain local economic development and positive brand identity
We’re offering an opportunity for you to join local community members to have ownership in the taproom through personalized and unique experiences that show your commitment to community placemaking.
Englewood Brews is for everyone! You don’t have to be from Chicago to appreciate the craft beer’s universality and connection to culture. In addition to great swag you know that your contribution means you will be a part of the future of Englewood. Your dollars make this gathering space a reality. Whether you live in Chicago or some other wonderful place in the world, you know that you will always have a place that will welcome you in when you visit the taproom at Englewood Brews.
The Built by Community Taproom
The Impact
Englewood Brews will be the first majority African-American woman owned brewery in
Illinois and one of only 5 in the US – representing an underserved community of craft
beer enthusiasts. We are a part of the future of craft beer!
Creating and preserving wealth in the community provides access and amenity to all
residents. It is an essential element for success in every place that people come
together to call home. We believe that this concept is what drives people to embrace their potential, be a part of positive change, and share their best. It’s why we shovel the snow for our neighbor, throw a block party in summer and band together in block clubs to create common ground.
Englewood Brews is a Third Place that brings these ideas together.
Our taproom represents the best of Englewood – its diverse roots and robust history and promising future in a thriving primarily African-American community. The space will highlight local artists, photographers, musicians, authors, and aspiring yogis. It’s a place to show off your artwork or try out your improv. It’s an anchor, a destination, and a place to kickback and enjoy the future only community can create together.
Who is Englewood Brews?
We started this business to have a positive impact. Our goal is to play a part in
creating economic investment, providing jobs, opportunities and a sought after product from Englewood. Craft beer is a great uniter – unparalleled in its ability to remove barriers and create bonds. We are embracing an opportunity to bring high quality amenities to an area not currently served by a high density of microbreweries. Currently no brewery is within 5 miles of our location. Only 3.2% of craft beer drinkers are African-American, yet people of color and women are the fastest growing aficionados of craft beer. The conscious decision to locate our brewery on the south side of the Chicago demonstrates our commitment to community and economic development by providing access to quality of life amenities that that every neighborhood deserves.
Chicago Tribune. August 2019
Our Story
Our experience in the beer industry, architecture, urban design, the trades and
manufacturing led us to build a business dedicated to closing equality gaps. By
bringing together a community of like-minded partners in urban agriculture, education, social
service, and anti-violence, we are creating and preserving wealth in the community to provide access and amenity for all residents. We believe that creating a community around craft is a concept that inspires people to be creative, be active, and united. Our focus is on intention – of quality ingredients and expression of the heart. We’re creating common ground and a shared language to build a taproom focused on great beer and great people.
Eater Chicago. June 2018
Our Progress
This journey has taken almost three years to come to fruition. Our vision for the renovation of an historic building in Englewood allowed us to hear neighborhood stories and local histories. The 1920’s building we are renovating for our 7,000sf, 10bbl production brewery and future home of Englewood Brews taproom is a landmark in the neighborhood. Brewery equipment on order will supply both the taproom and the region with our product. Providing a learning experience and socializing neighbors to the culture of craft is central to bringing our vision to life. The sharing of this vision is where we are today.
Pre-Construction Community Taproom and Brewery. September 2019
In April of 2020, we will open to show what the New Narrative in Craft Beer looks like.
With your contribution in helping us raise $50,000 for the Englewood Brews Taproom
Community Build Project demonstrates your commitment to community impact and
being a part of the future of craft beer. With your help, we will provide jobs and skills
training for our neighbors to create an environment that represents the community. Your
contribution gives you access to unique experiences and merchandise only offered
during this campaign. Representing your beer with merch or coming to see us in Englewood truly makes a difference.

Share the Message!
Please sign up for updates, share, like, and repost on IG, FB and/or Twitter! Telling your
friends and your networks makes a huge difference in our success and we greatly appreciate it!
You can find us at Englewoodbrews.com. When posting, please remember to tag us @englewoodbrews #dogooddrinkbetter #prideofenglewood
Images credits: Jude Goergen, Kenneth Johnson, Edward Steave