The Ultimate Purpose-Built Tablet to Enhance Family Communication and Improve Health and Wellness
Family Connect is an innovative platform designed to improve the health and wellness of Senior adults.
One all-inclusive platform provides for communication, medication management, vitals capturing and monitoring, alerts and reminders, exercise and activity tracking plus games to strengthen the individual’s mind while increasing family involvement in the Senior’s daily health and wellness.
Ensuring your senior family member remains safe and healthy is important as they age. Family Connect combines a purpose-built tablet with custom software to create a comprehensive solution to keep seniors connected to their family, friends and care providers. The vitals monitoring and medication management features make Family Connect unlike any other Senior tablet on the market. The tablet tracks medication adherence and health trends for families to advise loved ones regarding important health events.
In the age of fast-paced and changing technology, our team was on the search for solutions to help aging adults, and here’s what we found:
26% of adults over the age of 65 live alone, often causing loneliness and lack of quality care. These individuals frequently struggle with various health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Often times routine appointments or medications are missed that are crucial to maintaining the individual’s health. We also discovered a large gap in the technology to help family members be active participants in the care of elderly senior family members.
Family Connect was created to bridge the gap between Seniors, their family, friends and care providers by providing a tool to integrate communication and health status updates. In addition, the platform contains brain games to help stimulate brain activity to keep the Senior sharp.
History of Family Connect:
Our parent company, Mobility Exchange, has been creating technology solutions in healthcare, specializing in home health and elderly care, since 2011. Our team has deployed thousands of purpose-built devices in the senior and home health care space over the past ten years.
The Family Connect team saw a need to bring quality care to the home and keep aging loved ones out of a hospital setting while improving the care their loved ones were receiving. Our goal is to improve the quality of life and health of seniors, both active and less active from a healthcare and family engagement perspective.
Over the next decade, for the first time in United States history, older adults are projected to outnumber younger generations due to the aging baby boomer generation. This product will allow Seniors to age comfortably in their own home and stay in touch with a generation who is already well versed in technology. This easy-to-use platform is designed specifically for those who may be less tech savvy.
Integrated Family App
The Family Connect Family App is downloadable to personal devices through an invitation-only process. The free application is used to share photos and videos, make voice and video calls, and chat directly to a senior family member’s tablet. The app shares health vital readings collected by the senior tablet. In the instance of a fall being detected, families will be alerted through the Family Connect app.
The app can be used for family members to participate in doctor appointments when the Senior brings their tablet. The two-way communication feature allows Seniors to share what the doctor or nurse is explaining during the appointment with the family member. Seniors benefit by having an advocate for their health who can remind them what the doctor had said during the appointment.
Family members can also upload photos of family events to share with the Senior. Photo albums are interactive and allow the Senior to like photos and request additional images from the family.
What’s in the Box?
Why We Would Like Your Pledge
A new innovative platform to improve the life and health of Seniors is here! We’ve put Family Connect to the test to ensure it improves the quality of life for both the active and less active Senior. We are confident that the senior in your life will feel safer and more connected with this product.
Why Support Us?
We’d love to partner with you to keep us going: to fund production and continue research and development to make even more this tool even more impactful on the lives of Seniors and their families.
What We Need & What You Get
Our goal for this campaign is to hit $50,000 in sales. This funding will help us front the cost of inventory to ensure we do not have any supply chain issues in the near future.
As an Indiegogo customer, you receive a discounted Family Connect tablet, as well as the first 12 months software licensing FREE!
The Impact
We are passionate about changing the way families connect with their elder relatives. We envision this platform transforming the health and wellness of Seniors across the country and making an impact on families. Family Connect was built to fill a hole in the Senior care environment and will help improve health outcomes of the Senior adult population.
We Appreciate Your Feedback!
As an early backer of Family Connect, your feedback on the experience with this product is important for our team to understand. We value your opinion and will be in touch through surveys to ensure we can continue to improve this product.
Other Ways You Can Help
Do you love the idea of Family Connect but don’t have a relative to purchase one for? We’d love if you could take a moment to share this campaign on your social media to ensure we can reach as many Seniors as possible and impact their wellness journey.