A space exterminator uncovers an infestation with a sinister twist.
Short Summary
A desperate financial situation leads Flynn, an alien exterminator, to follow a distress call from a posh planet full of sycophants. When Flynn learns that the people’s minds have also been invaded, Flynn is stranded and running out of options. He must choose to save the survivors, or escape.
FATL is a 52 page graphic novel.
FATL is a 52-page graphic novel.
Stretch Goals
$40,000 – Added fan art pages in the book. Enter to be included by creating an ad for Flynn’s Alien Termination service and email your submission to sweetcastclint@gmail.com. 2 winners will receive $100 gift cards and have their ad included in the fan art section.
$50,000 – Everyone get an 11 x 17 fold-out poster!
$60,000 – Added sketch and development pages. This increases the total page count to 64 pages!
Risks & Challenges
We are professionals. This is Clint’s third graphic novel campaign, and Charlie Snogans is a top-tier professional artist. You will get your books.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please SHARE this campaign with your friends, family, and complete strangers on the street. We really appreciate your support!