Lords of Satan is about a small town biker gang struggling with “adult stuff” and “day to day life.” Also, we’re going to fix our barn.
Our show follows the incredible lives of the members of the Lords of Satan Motorcycle Club as they laugh, love and struggle to do basic things. They rule their small town of Buzzard bay in rural New England in the same way young children rule the playground, by being immature and needing a lot of grown up supervision. This wild group of 30-40 somethings have had no worries and no troubles for just about ever, but now their lives have take an unexpected turn. Into the seedy world of real crime. Through no fault of their own they find themselves in the vice like grip of the scariest dude around… The Butcher of Buzzards Bay. Now their lives have drastically changed and fear and chaos surround them but with their tenacity, stupidity and prone to violence nature our gang, El Nino, Lazer, Flesh Grinder and Pickles will fight like hell to return to their care free lifestyle. Also, we need to fix the barn.
When you think about the feel of this show, the easiest way to describe it would be if It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Sons of Anarchy collided. Hey, I’d watch that! It’s a fast paced furious ball of complete non-sense. I’d like to see that also.. Join us with this kick starter and in what undoubtably will be a ridiculous journey through the Lords of Satans very special little world.

Furthermore, we will also definitely be fixing the barn. It’s not a full restoration but it needs some real work.