An art factory for broken people
Maybe you are not aware of it, but there is ART in your heart. We are all unique and equal. You are born genuin, like a little tree. A real piece of whole wood.
All life naturally evolve with love, and is shrunk by fear. Our lives are priceless, but it is what we do that can cause positive change and effect our surroundings and make our everyday life turn into a fulfilling way of living. It starts with our breathing, that makes us alive. Then we have our mind, what we think and what we decide. The time limit exists for everyone.
You are given a unique DNA equity, and have your free will to use your abilities and respond to the call of life as you get it. We are human and we all make mistakes, and some life events are harder and we become broken. I believe we are strong and built to carry the burden given upon us. Even if you feel like your three trunk is chopped into a pile of logs, you are still genuin at the core. You still make up a whole, even in pieces.
You are art. Maybe you are unaware of that, and are not being or even living artistic right now, or even did before. It is possible to heal what is broken in you. One way is to speak your mind, or sing while you describe your inner world with tunes and words. Another way is to show your heart, making it visible with your hands, using different materials and tools.
The Norwegian word for species, is art. You have experienced your whole life with your beating heArt. Give your heart a chance to speak in its own language. Maybe using words in a new way, or without words express it in colors, not with the stencils or fixed templates we have learned to know, but let your hand shape its message in new different forms, without no prior idea. During the prosess we dont know the outcome.
This is a help for self-help course, to free your creative spirit from your self restricting and judging mind. It is not a competition, and it is not the results that matters. It is your development that counts, and your wound will heal as you grow. The important part is the prosess where the heart is expressing and that the communication with yourself flows freely. Whatever burdens your heart, it will ease to release it.
The self-help course is run in video episodes sheared on youtube, and promoted to mental health organizations, in hope to reach people striving in their daily life, and ease the number of people committing suicide. The self-help course can help prisons, helping the prisoners to express themselves and maybe process their history and emotional baggage, and help them release their burdens.
We will explore different media such as paint, clay, etc to let yourself create whatever comes out of your hands, and be amazed to discover that your heart is actually your own personal support and creative center.
When we allow yourself to freely experiment with different materials, it is surprising to discover what comes out of our inner world when it is visualized or materialized. We can ease ourself from everything we have experienced, good or bad, and free ourself from all the feelings we still suppress inside. When the pressure has ceased, you are brought forth from your sad yesterday and brought back from your feared depressing future, to the better moment of now, being present and content. You can choose to be grateful and happy, to appreciate yourself and everyone around you, and everything you have and are right now. Explore your inner heart art and watch the journey and and the process evolve from tragic to magic.
When we have let ourself be pressured by the conformity system of society and the following expectations and anticipations, in order to be loved and to become accepted as normal, and not to be rejected as abnormal, our inner self becomes our own enemy. Our core right is freedom and justice for diversity, and our inner self enters a survival mode and declares war with our own choice of defeat, fighting for its individual right to be unique at peace. Creating helps the inner child transform again into its authentic self, with the liberating feeling of togetherness, and regain its integrity to protect its own company.