$1,525 raised out of $225,000
Start date
Aug 30, 2023
Close date
Oct 01, 2023

Support us by becoming a Pioneer of the EcoVillage


What is the Chaka-Runa EcoVillage?

As part of our vision of life in nature with infinite self-growth and development, it is with great joy and excitement that we share with you that the building of the Chaka-Runa EcoVillage has officially begun. 


The EcoVillage is located 3 hours from the Tarapoto airport, on sacred land with 9 waterfalls and 3 creeks, rich in biodiversity, with countless species of wildlife and plants and fertile soils. This piece of paradise offers a dream lifestyle in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.

The complete project will feature a Healing Center, Shamanic School, Human Renaissance, and a Psychedelics Research Center. Activities in the EcoVillage include dietas and retreats, workshops, conferences, lectures, seminars, internships, pilgrimages, social gatherings and events, medicine music, students activities, and volunteer activities.

The development of the EcoVillage is based on eco-friendly and sustainable building systems, with minimal impact on the ecosystem. Labor will be sourced locally from the Lejía community. 

Our vision is a cooperative community where our worldwide family can visit or reside in an eco-friendly environment, in balance with Pachamama and in union with like minded humans walking their inner spiritual path.

We embrace the Andean concept of Ainy (reciprocity) and the 3 Human Powers: The Wisdom (Yachay), The Love (Munay), and The Action (Ruway). We are committed to carrying this project on the values of Love, Reciprocity, Respect, Humility, Honesty, Courage, Loyalty, Sharing, and Compassion. 


What the EcoVillage needs, and how you can help? 

We kindly ask for your support to complete Phase 1 of this project, which includes the building and development required to be able to host our first Dieta in the EcoVillage.  

Phase 1 costs: 

$30,000 | Maloca 
$20,000 | Water Supply Plant 
$15,000 | Solar Panels 
$10,000 | Kitchen & Dining 
$5,000   | Plant Brewing Kitchen 
$2,500   | One Tambo x 40 donors needed
$1,500   | Roads & Pathways x 30 donors needed

Total Phase 1 Costs: $225,000 

Help by becoming an EcoVillage Pioneer 

A Pioneer is anyone who has contributed $1,500 or more to this campaign.

There are severals ways to contribute: 

  1. Contribute any of the Phase 1 costs by selecting one of the options in the boxes to your right. Note, these options are not perks, but we listed them as such to show you the breakdown of the needed donation items.

    For example:
    To contribute the cost of one Tambo, select the box to the right “Tambo $2,500” ⮕ Get this perk 
    To contribute the cost of the Plant Brewing Kitchen, select the box to the right “Plant Brewing Kitchen $5,000” ⮕ Get this perk 

  2. To contribute a custom amount, click on the pink ‘See Options’ button on the top right of the campaign. In the new window that opens, under “Make Your Contribution”, enter your contribution amount.

    We greatly appreciate any amount that you feel called to contribute in support of the EcoVillage! A contribution amount of $1,500 or above, will be considered a Pioneer. 

    Note: Indiegogo automatically adds ‘Tip’ – you will see it under the Subtotal box at checkout. Before submitting your contribution, you can change the Tip to another amount, or to zero, by selecting the last option (Other Amount) from the Tip drop down menu. 

Wall of Recognition for you, Pioneers!  

As part of our gratitude for your contribution to materialize this dream, the entrance to the Chaka-Runa EcoVillage will feature a Wall of Recognition dedicated to all the Pioneers who supported this wonderful project. 

As a supporting Pioneer, your name – or the name of a person you wish to honor in light of your contribution – will be engraved in the Wall of Recognition. Every person that arrives to the EcoVillage, will know that this dream became a reality because of your meaningful support. 

Goal & Timeline 

Our goal is to finalize the building and development of Phase 1 by December 2023 and host our first Dieta as early as January 2024!
To make this possible, we will need to raise the costs for Phase 1 by September 30th



From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for your trust and support in making this dream a reality!! 

With respect, humbleness, and love,
– Don Gino & The Chaka-Runa Team





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