A Plush Toy with 50 personal uses to encourage helping Mom or Dad around the House and fostering Personal Hygiene in the Bath
My name is Dr. Robert Spalding and I am a practicing podiatrist by trade. I am a continuous inventor all the way back to 1979 with over 50 products, patents, trademarks and copyrights I have brought to market. I am a writer, publisher and I own and operate several businesses that are fortunate enough to still be profitable. One of those businesses that has given me a great return in personal enjoyment is The Chattanooga Fu Fu Factory (www.fufufactory.com ) where I invented the original Fu Fu design character copyright and authored the books, The Kingdom of Fu Fu and The Fu Fu’s go to NYC.

We offer three types of The Kingdom of Fu Fu books depending on the pledge. First is a 5 inch by 7 inch softcover color book. Next, is a 8 inch by 11 inch softcover color book. Finally, for our highest gift supporters of our top pledge $1000 amount is our 20 Year Special Celebration Anniversary Hardback Edition with gold embossed seal and Author Signed Certificate.

New Fu Fu Duster Toy with optional synthetic duster brush of your choice

For two decades I have been excitedly designing conceptual Fu Fu Toys while at the same time enjoying the literary success and great book reviews of the Fu Fu’ series. In 2001, we manufactured miniature feathered Fu Fu plastic toys that you can see on our website that were cute but had no specific function. Now, for my 20th anniversary, I wanted to introduce one of my long-standing dreams of making uniquely different and functional Fu Fu toy to honor my books. I even had a short 3-D promotional movie made in 2000 that is still a novel marketing of the story-line today. See below. Our movie even has a cartoon series appeal for those TV producers who want a new cartoon theme character.
Additionally, one of my most acclaimed videos is a full length flash video of the book which also helps market our toy. See the flash video of my picture book below.
The book video can help you judge of the quality of the story line that defines the toy. I know you will be impressed. Ask any author how hard it is to get self-published books reviewed by credible review services. Here is what the highly respected Midwest Book Review said regarding my book
“”The Kingdom Of Fu Fu reveals a whimsical land of creatures who live in a blue and yellow island home. When a young little Fu Fu is swept away by a sudden storm from his home and finds himself on a distant shore, he learns that Fu Fus are just blue and yellow, but come in every color and live happily together. Robert Spalding’s engaging, imaginative, and entertaining story is aptly illustrated by Chris Lyle and subtly teaches young readers about diversity and friendship. With its strong theme of friendship and diversity, The Kingdom Of Fu Fu is highly recommended for school and library picture book collections.””
More about the TOY

The Toy is called the Fu Fu Duster & I have dusted this project off (so to speak) from a decade ago to reintroduce a better design to market. I came up with a totally unique second generation patent pending modular plush toy with a cylindrical insertion tube that helps kids assist their parents with cleanliness around the house, personal hygiene and 50 Plus other possible toy tube insertion options ( see list of tube options about halfway down or scroll to the middle of the presentation below) while enjoying a basic plush toy with a highly versatile future.

The toy will be scotch-guarded to use it in the bathroom & capable of being dried in a dryer if you dry it with a protective dryer cage. The tube is water tight enough to keep live flowers as a vase or artificial flowers without water if preferred.

Future marketing of the Fu Fu Duster could be to approach flower shops & large flower delivery operations & use the Duster to display as a decorative VASE for flower gifting.

In this phase of the project, I am only going to introduce duster brushes & loofah brushes. See below the first generation Fu Fu Dusters in 2009 to get a quick video idea of the product .
Loofah Brush for the Fu Fu Duster Bath Version.

See www.FuFuduster.com to see still shots of the product’s versatility.
I have tried several marketing videos to just run on Facebook & have recently submitted a video with my riding train in my front yard to co-market my seasonal holiday book and the Fu Fu Book. (See Below)
Ten years ago in an effort to market the Fu Fu Duster product I even added a silly but fun & catchy Fu Fu Dance Song to get some attention and it scored some marketing buzz but was a bit too long & needs some professional updated editing. (You can see the Fu Fu Dance video at the very end of the presentation so it doesn’t distract from the Fu Fu Duster message)
We had 100 Fu Fu Dusters made locally in the US ten years ago & sold all of them quickly but could not find a way to make an appropriate profit manufacturing this product stateside. To make a profit in the toy industry you must make your toy affordable and place a order of sufficient quantity to reduce the initial costs and continue to cover manufacturing, design improvements, inventory and marketing costs to cycle up for demands on stocking and distributing more product.
Getting a great working prototype is a challenge to introduce any new toy. Surprisingly, after many years, I finally found a great working partner in the US who has a base in China to complete the first manufacturing step to launch this product in a manner a new toy manufacturer needs to meet for all the initial production and marketing costs. Our manufacturing partners developed this second generation version which certainly met our needs and expectations with better form, an open eye set & improved material sensation and stain resistant.
We were fortunate to have established the Fu Fu picture book as an evergreen property as galvanized by various marketing gurus we consulted in the past and the generated positive responses we continue to achieve with each book sale. Hence, we are not reinventing the wheel when we say we have 20 years of pre-marketing sales experience with our books and first generation toys.

Once the project is fully funded, I will immediately place the order for the Duster toy products. On this initial order, it generally averages a twelve week manufacturing period & then two weeks for shipping. For future orders, we expect that to be almost half of that time frame. For subsequent sales, we have built a list over the last 20 years of who are our biggest customers and who have become a fan of the book. But we have also developed relationships with toy distributors locally.
My goal is to raise a total of $310,000 plus meet the additional funds for taxes, fees for the Kickstarter, and marketing as separated out specifically below. The key to getting good purchase prices is getting toys and books printed in quantity.

$105,000 will go to manufacture and sell 15000 plush Fu Fu duster toys in three colors (yellow, red, and blue), $20, 000 will go to 5000 hand duster brushes, $10,000 will go to 5000 loofah brushes, $80,000 for full color large 8.5 x 11 discounted hard back books, $40,000 for Fu Fu full color large size (8.5 x 11) soft cover books, $30,000 for full color 5 x 7 in soft cover books and $50,000 for shipping and handling of the orders.
$20,000 will go to marketing and advertising in 3 areas of interest broken down as follows: $3000 dollars directed to my graphic video consultant who initially prepared all the pictures & videos for the Kickstarter programs & is working on a second TV commercial to help market the Fu Fu product lines of books and toys. I am going to also spend $5,000 to run local TV and internet advertising spots, and $2000 will be used to update the website for the sales of the Fu Fu Toys and books and the various optional accessory items. We are experimenting with 3D graphic generated Fu Fu’s for my second book I published called “The Fu Fu’s Go To New York.” (see graphic below)

Finally, I budgeted $10,000 to attend and operate a booth at the annual toy fair at the Javit’s Center in New York City in 2021 to reintroduce the new Fu Fu Duster toy to small retailers as it is not possible to meet that obligation in 2020 until after we are funded. I had a booth at the Javit’s Center in Feb of 2002 and made many contacts for my book and small toy line to try to stimulate some interest and we accomplished that but toy manufacturing at that time for the larger orders we referred with such long payouts (see below)

required too many risks I could not assume the financial exposure solely to meet larger orders. ( please see those items below, but we must note that at that time, costs for the molds exceeded feasibility with the numbers we received vs the time to be paid)

I look forward to re-introduce the new Fu Fus at the Atlanta Merchandise Mart with a booth or sales representative as I only live two hours away from the Atlanta Mart and that is on my radar as well for the spring or summer of 2020 when funded.

One of our major advantages over other Kickstarter projects is that toys defined by successful books have a much better chance of being successful. We are also celebrating a 20 year longevity with an evergreen book product and with a proven exceptional toy that has a large modular array of already available options that cost nothing to produce or design in many cases. There are other uses for the Fu Fu toy that are still being identified as newer product options become available.
We have only recently started using POD (publish on demand) with Amazon for The Kingdom of Fu Fu to fill our private sales and have historically pre-printed and inventoried all our books initially in hardback library bound editions, electronic versions and soft back or paperback and sold directly to the public to control profits and reduce inventory issues. The key there is purchasing in volume to obtain and distribute cost effectively.

However, POD books are not helpful for retailers as they don’t get wholesale prices on POD books as a rule. Buying books in quantity through Kickstarter as in this fundraising effort will reduce our overall costs and price point of the books to retailers and the public as well. Over 20 years we have sold or shared nearly 20,000 books and/or ebooks direct to the public and 2,400 mini toys with no advertising i.e. just word of mouth through our website, our internet contacts and through my medical office to my patient base as well.
Small product inventory turnaround works fine for small operations but to scale operations up for larger cost reductions so as to be able to sell to retailers and to ramp up the availability for future toy optional items, but we need the Kickstarter crowd funding to work for us now.

My goal is to run a 30 day campaign the month of January & part of February of 2020 & raise $447,800 to complete this production order of toys and books, taxes, updates and marketing with a plush toy order date the first of March and a delivery on June 2020 or before to ship to investors who pledged. Over 20 years I have designed nearly 10 Fu Fu related products from golden colored removable nail polish for kids, Fu Fu stickers, Fu Fu silver jewelry pennants, minis fu fu dolls and now the resurgence of an improved affordable fu fu duster/bath toy. Please see our website at www.fufufactory.com

The long term goal of our company is to continue to offer for sale highly inventive toys and books that helps support the meaningful message through the colorful educational creativity in all of our products.

I am interested into talking to any investors who are larger toy manufacturers who see any opportunity to license our products. I am also interested in discussing any licensing with cartoon producers or media development producers who recognize the media value of our Fu Fu characters or multiple story line themes found in the back of my second book, The Fu Fu’s Go To New York.
The single biggest reason I have not pursued more financial effort in developing this product is not realizing sooner the enormous advantages of Kickstarter as well as years of financial commitments to numerous other projects that took president.
My team is now ready to invest time and full effort to making this a success if you are ready to back this project. I also have the time, energy, experience and commitment to making this a success and enjoyable venture for everyone who supports the cause.
Here are 50 plus bonus uses for the Fu Fu Duster plush toy

1. A holder for a multitude of any type of feather Duster or fluffy duster
2. Bath toy holder
3. Loofah holder in a bath or shower
4. Dish washing brush holder
5. Personals grooming brush holder
6. A bank to hold “piggy” bank Fu Fu bank holder for money with a slotted cap
7. A flower pot holder for real flowers and water
8. A flower pot holder for plastic flowers
9. A flower holder for LED lighted flowers
10. As holder for holiday decorations or other floral arrangements
11. A holder for a circular charging station for cell phone
12. A holder for secret personal treasures
13. A circular insert holder for a radio
14. Holds a plunger for a bath room
15. A flashlight holder
16. I small Umbrella Drip Holder
17. A holder for holiday seasonal mini lights
18. A holder for tools
19. A holder for a yardstick or ruler
20. A loose money change holder
21. A holder for shampoo or conditioner
22. A pump soap dispenser holder for a sink
23. Can holder a saltshaker or pepper shaker
24. Hold Cooking utensils
25. A Nightlight holder
26. Can add a lamp fixture to hold
27. Hidden Holder for valuables with false section
28. Camping tool Holder with compass GPS fire starter in solar radio or hand crank
29. Holder Personal protection products like knives or mace
30. Holder for batter powered fan
31. Holder for water cup at night
32. Toothbrush holder
33. A permanent soft material hair top with mounting ring
34. A permanent feather or duster hair with mounting ring
35. A mount for a plasma ball on top
36. A magnet holder for holding items as reminders
37. A note pad holder
38. Perfume dispenser
39. Air freshener dispenser
40. Hold or Hide a security video device
41. A quiver for toy arrows
42. A pen or pencil holder
43. A Holder for scissors
44. Hold a circular radio or MP3 to hear music
45. Insert a circular smoke alarm or CO2 detector
46. Burglar alarm room motion device holder
47. Sound generator to help you get to sleep
48. Store dry food like beans or rice inside to dispense later for cooking or seasoning
49. Dispense candy like M & M’s or wrapped candy as a treat
50. Unlimited Creative Future Options that anyone can imagine

*Bonus note: Important public health benefit through information shared with each pledge rewards of the Fu Fu DusterToys and Books
Finally, one other very important reason to support this funding effort is the promotion of a personal public service health campaign I have personally spearheaded ever since I opened my office as a podiatrist in 1998. I offer a free eBook and internet lecture that has my proprietary www.Medinail.com education to each investor to share with anyone who frequents nail salons to help prevent nail salon infections. (At the Very End of the Fu Fu Duster presentation is more information about my concerns about nail infections that millions get every year and why I am offering this information as a bonus.)
So how does this Fu Fu Duster project connect to my public health concerns as a podiatrist?
After a lifetime of trimming & dodging flying toenails, I wondered what if toenails actually were synthesized in the body with mineralized gold as they grew out? Any creature who could metabolize gold would accumulate incredible instant wealth from their discarded nails like the goose that lays golden eggs. A lot of people would be interested in that. Well, I wrote a book with that similar theme modern day times just like that called, The Fu Fu’s Go To New York (co-titled The Adventure of the Golden Toenails ) and I made prototypes of those Fu Fus for a future venture. So that is the connection of Fu Fus to foot care and nail salons. (see book cover below)

Various Prototypes below

You can see a sterling silver fu fu on the far left and a digital plastic prototype in the middle and our 2001 plastic Fu Fu Toy sold until we ran out in 2002-3. In the near future, with the much more affordable high capacity plastic multi-cavity high cycling injection molds out of China we can also revitalize the low cost smaller plastic toy line that sold quickly. Now, you can even 3D print in metal like in bronze with jeweled toenails and eyes. (See below the Gold Coated Bronze prototype and presentation options)

Future Uses with Fiber Optics for the Fu Fu Duster to function as a night light, lamp or versatile electronic multiple plug in option hub

The only way to realize the many dimensions of this product and future options of this project is through your contributions to help fund this project to improve this product line and help bring other creative Fu Fu toys to market. If we should be ever so fortunate to be over-funded for any reason, I would use the additional funds to get even better margins and offer all the investors additional product bonuses than is mentioned here and to manufacture the smaller product lines which we already have working prototypes and proven designs.
I want to personally thank Kickstarter for allowing me to present this project to you.
I sincerely appreciate your time reviewing all the tremendous amount of information and visual media in consideration of this project and I hope to have at least educated you with with the link to my nail salon infection information, books and lectures and have entertained you with 20 years of hard work on the Fu Fu project. Even with an Email only funding pledge, I will provide you the free link to my children’s book or my nail salon infection information or any part of this project. I will always be working hard to make this ongoing Fu Fu project successful. Have a great 2020.
1. Attractive large and small Sticker packs. Our first level investors who fund the Fu Fu project get our attractive sticker packs that include a tall 8 inch by 3 inch “I’ve Read the Kingdom of Fu Fu” and three new never before seen fu fu pictures on peel off tabs to adhere to most surfaces or for collections.
2. 3 ft by 2 ft Posters- Limited Edition Signed and Numbered Posters Our next level investors and higher level investors will get custom signed and limited numbered color posters of a new artistic rendering of the Fu Fu’s.
3. Special Anniversary Fu Fu T-Shirt & colorful logo
4. Soft Cover Color Fu Fu Books in two sizes 5×7 inches and larger 8×11 inches
5. Author Signed Limited Numbered Special Anniversary Hardback Books
6. Gold Medallion LTD Ed Numbered Fu Fus #1-99 in 3 separate colors each of yellow, blue and red. Silver Edition Numbered #100-299 & Copper from #300-#1100
7. Links to two different free ebooks
HERE is the Bonus Video I promised of the Fu Fu Dance but it is a bit long 3:35 seconds and needs some better quality video raw footage and editing..with your help we WILL get there with many more commercial videos

This is the end of the Fu Fu Duster information.
The following information below is just another benefit I am trying to connect to my second book as a means of attention to toenails and nail salons
Here is the Bonus information about the first edition Free e-book, Death By Pedicure and my concerns about the nail salon industry and especially pedicures. I mentioned above how this connects to the Fu Fu Funding

I created an internet based Medinail medical online training in 2006 that was the first of it’s kind nationally and internationally called the Medical Nail Technician (MNT). The MNT works with physicians and the Advanced Nail Technician (ANT) course is directed to basic salon nail technicians which is on record helping save many people from infections and has prevented infection world wide ( seen at www.Medinail.com )
Medinail training also helps to educate the public and nail technicians alike to help reduce the number of serious nail infection people acquire from nail salons. Based on 22 years of research, an estimated one million individuals each year obtain infections and/or injuries each year in salons across the US. Each year since 2006, when I published my book, Death by Pedicure, I have been hired to look at multiple nail salon lawsuits as a medical expert.
(Most people also do not realize if they go to a nail salon the EPA registered blue liquid disinfectants used on instruments do not work as promoted and are not effective or strong enough to kill bacterial, fungus or viruses you are exposed to with visits to many nail salons. See my book, Death by Pedicure and my training corporation, www.medinail.com.
I will give a free 2006 first edition Death by Pedicure e-book to any investor who requests it with their email. In the mean time, here is an hour long free lecture to one of my training courses about the governmental inspired nail salon crisis in the US. See http://medinail.com/mod/page/view.php?id=284