$1 raised out of $250,000

A highly concepted film showing the interpretations of defining moments in a life and the choices of today made to shape tomorrow.


This is a highly personal project because our entire team hit a wall with our own lives. We were lost. Questioning everything from where we went wrong, what could we have done differently, who are we even? Sulking away so that what could have been days became years. Some of us gaining weight. Some drinking too much. Some lacing our lives with promiscuity. Some obsessed with social media. Some becoming obsessed with the wrong things.

And then the lightbulb went off for each of us in our own way. Whether by choice, forced by others or forced by our own bodies, or due to some other circumstance, we all found each other drawn to make this project come to life.

Hear our plea, help us make our dreams and potentially your dreams come true!


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