Support our farm and we’ll match your donation by giving our food products to charities for the poor
Who are Fattoria Valle Magica?
We are Ralph, Ninke and Elizabeth (plus the kids, Airik, Lucian, Anakin & Nimue). We chose to leave the rat-race to create a more meaningful life by establishing a 100% off grid, eco-sustainable farm. We are located on the edge of Italy’s 3rd biggest nature reserve. We are passionate about what we do, what we produce, how we do it, but most importantly…. why we do it!
We want to provide a place that teaches people how well animals used to be cared for and provides products reminiscent of how good food used to taste.
We started from scratch 5 years ago on land that used to be a farm formerly owned by the convent of Carapelle Calvisio but was abandoned shortly after the 2nd World War. We are now at a critical point in the development of our story, which, due to the global pandemic, we need your help to achieve.
Our Objectives
Our goal is to achieve the remaining funding we require to enable us to build an eco structure with off grid solar power, handicapped facilities and an outdoor area, that will be used as a shop, a cheese lab and a location to host school visits, workshops and much more.
In return for helping us achieve this funding we will match all donations by donating an equal value of our certified, 100% natural food products, to Italian families in genuine need. This donation will be made via established charities that specialise in helping disadvantaged, hungry families in Italy.
We believe that this campaign is an opportunity to gain help and support in achieving our goals but also in helping those less fortunate than us. With over 5,000,000 (Five Million) people in Italy below the poverty line and children going without sufficient food, we are in a privileged position to have food that we can donate.
A win for us!
Through your support and donation, we can achieve the funding to help us build the eco-structure we have planned and create all the benefits it supports. These benefits include but are not limited to a shop location, a cheese lab, job creation, opening for schools, opening for disabled visitors, ability to offer workshops, solar energy to extend our off-grid, eco-sustainable approach and increasing local eco-tourism.
A win for the hungry families!
Through your giving, you will not only help us but you will enable us to gift our natural food products to Italians who need help and support to feed their families. This giving will be achieved via the following established charities:
A win for you!
Having helped us and helped families in need there is also something in it for you. Every contributor will be thanked by us and recognised for their donation but in addition, depending on the level of giving you would like to provide there are some additional fantastic perks you can choose from including: a natural soap, virtual farm visits, group farm visits, workshops on the farm, private booking of the farm, sponsorship of one of our rare breed areas (signage included), planting of trees and much more.
What We Need, What We Donate & What You Get
What we need to achieve:
The overall project, including solar power and some additional equipment, will cost over €170000. We have already funded some of the materials and costs and we have received €90,000 of government funding, leaving us a funding gap of €50,000 to achieve.
What we will Donate:
We have ample stock value of products to cover this gap, but the current pandemic is causing challenges around selling quickly enough to meet our timescales. We will therefore match all donations to help us with an equal value of food donation via recognised charities to help families in need.
What You Will Get:
Please take a moment to browse each of our fantastic perks and see what level of giving is right for you and which of the perks you may like to benefit from. We are also open to ideas and suggestions for the creation of tailored perks if you have something in mind… by all means ask us and we will see what is possible…
What if we don’t make our full target?
We have committed to building this structure. We have already purchased many of the materials so it will be built although we may have to do so over a greatly extended period and at a much greater cost to the family as we will lose the government funding we have been offered.
If we fail to reach our goal then we will have to seek costly finance that will put stress on all of us and risk the future of our business.
Whichever way, every penny raised will be invested into improving the facilities on the farm for visitors and animals alike and every penny that is donated will be 100% matched with a food donation to the specified charities. We also guarantee the perks selected by all backers will be fulfilled!
Why this means so much to us:
We really hope you chose and are able to support our worthwhile cause and make a huge difference both for us and also for needy families in Italy. The realisation of this project will bring together 5 years of work, effort and dreams. To be able to open our doors to schools and societies for the disabled is something we are so excited to do. We can only hope that you will be inspired by our vision and decide to support us. If you have any questions you’d like us to answer please let us know and please watch out for updates!
If you personally find yourself unable to support financially you can still help us by spreading the word and letting others know about our story, our goals and the needs we are trying to support.
Please mention us to friends, family, colleagues or use one of the tools to share it to your social media accounts.