Eat Clean: Remove up to 99% Glyphosate & other pesticides from your fruits and veggies!
We Just Upgraded the World’s Best Pesticide Purifier
For 24 Hours Only!! Get the upgraded Garrnish 2.0 and purify up to 99% of pesticides from your fruits and veggies at 50% OFF!!!
We Believe in Food Without Pesticides
Almost all of your fruits and vegetables are covered with pesticides even after you wash them? Even certified organic produce contains “organic pesticides”.
According to research at Penn State, even low exposure to pesticides accumulated over time can lead to: birth defects, tumors, blood disorders, nerve disorders, endocrine disruption, reproduction effects, and even genetic changes.
Eat the Cleanest Fruits and Veggies!
How Our Produce Purifier Works
Electrolysis splits water molecules into (H+) and (OH-) ions, resulting in tiny microbubbles filling the basin.
This electrolyzed water, plus a pinch of salt, degrades the molecular structure of chemical pesticides rendering them into harmless non-toxic substances easily washed away with water. Just wait 10 minutes!
The World Renowned
SGS Lab Testing Results
We sent the Garrnish Pesticide Purifier 2.0 to SGS, the world’s leading lab testing, inspection, and certification organization headquartered in Switzerland.
The result was up to a 99.8% reduction in the most common pesticides: Glyphosate and Dichlorvos, and a 99.9% reduction in Chlorpyrifos.
Why Garrnish?
Shipping Stage
We’re ready to ship! Shipping within the continental USA will take less than 2 weeks! See ya soon!
Our Story
After working on air purification products for the past 8 years, we wanted to focus on other aspects of health. Food has always been an obsession of ours, so the abundance of chemical pesticides worries us deeply.
In California, we’re blessed with plenty of organic foods and pesticide-free produce options, but many have still been tested to contain pesticide residues. Conventional produce can contain up to 50 different types of pesticides on a single fruit, many of which are outlawed in Europe and other countries.
We couldn’t settle with that being the status quo. To us food is personal, and food should be nourishing.
We experimented a long time on how to remove pesticides from produce, and now we’re proud to finally bring you the best pesticide purifier, designed to even remove glyphosate.
Eat Clean,
– Team Garrnish
Disclaimer: This product does not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseases. Results may vary depending on the amount of water, salt, time, and produce used.