Sensory clothing for sensory people- of all sizes
Hi! My name is Rebecca Grace Woodie and I’m an autistic and adhd fashion designer launching a fashion line called Grace Veranda. It’s designed as a capsule wardrobe full of classic basics that don’t have tags, scratchy seams, or a confining fit.
I’ve picked out a manufacturer, but I need your help raising the funds to start the project! The manufacturer is waiting on me to raise the funds before they start working.
With this kickstarter you can support the project by preordering your clothes. You won’t be paying anything extra to be a part of the kickstarter, just ordering your clothes in advance!
I’ve picked out a few garments to start the line with and you can add any number of them onto your kickstarter tier.
Here are the technical drawings for them!
This line will be produced in the USA by an ethical manufacturer, but will still remain affordable (lots of companies have pretty absurd profit margins). This is really important to me so I will be doing my best to ensure that this remains consistent for Grace Veranda.
I’m a senior at Cornell University this year and I’m working on my honors thesis in the form of a scientific study on Professional Clothing for Adults with Sensory Processing Disorder. That was my starting place for this brand! Grace Veranda doesn’t just stock professional clothing though. It’s an everything you need shop! Or will be once I can get funding to launch it fully.
I’ve always been an entrepreneur (like my mother and grandmother before me), and starting a business right out of college has been my plan since I was little. When I was ten I first came to the CFC fashion show here at Cornell and decided then that when I grew up I was going to come to Cornell to study fashion and be a part of this fashion show.
When I was a senior in high school I put out a survey to moms of kids with sensory disorders on what clothing bothered them. I did a study and created a fashion line for these kids and used that as a part of my portfolio for admissions. At that point my business plans got more specific and I was going to work with people with sensory issues and create a fashion line for that.
Thank you so much for your help turning my dreams into reality and providing accessible clothing for decent prices.