Replace five equipments,a versatile outdoor camping gear that transforms into various forms.
The original intention of our design is to carry less equipment for long-distancecycling, outdoor camping and self-driving travel. Llight weight, replacing single-function equipment and making luggage lighter is our design concept.
As an avid outdoor camping enthusiast, we often find ourselves preoccupied with the anticipation of various possible scenarios and needs. This dilemma leads us to the constant struggle of deciding which equipment to bring. Traditional outdoor gear tends to be single-function, and carrying too much can result in excessive weight, while carrying too little may lead to regret and frustration during outdoor activities.
Therefore, we delved into in-depth research and designed a modular, versatile camping tool. Our design philosophy revolves around lightweight and multifunctionality, aiming not only for lighter equipment itself but also for fewer items to carry.We desire to bring outdoor enthusiasts a more relaxed, enjoyable, and versatile experience in their outdoor journeys!
HALOXEEN Outdoor Camping Gear breaks free from the traditional concept of a table, shaking up the single form of conventional outdoor gear. More than just a camping table, it effortlessly transforms into a lamp stand, campfire stand, tripod, stove, storage shelf, support rod, and more – like a Lego toy for outdoor enthusiasts. The design’s ingenuity is intricately woven into every detail and corner, from material selection, functional versatility, and lightweight construction to unique perforations. The camping equipment can be combined for various uses, showcasing the designer’s yearning the beauty of outdoor life and an unwavering pursuit of ultimate lightweight.
In the design process, we observed that many camping gears are combinations of rods, but each product often has its own unique specifications and functions. When we designed it, we broke down all rod-based gears and discovered that table legs, campfire stands, camera tripods, camping light stands, tent support rods, walking stick, stove stands, storage racks, and more all require aluminum rods. As a result, we decided on three modular forms: table, shelf, and rod, and standardized the specifications, allowing for interchangeability.These modules, whether used independently or combined, bring about variations in both form and function.
Our philosophy focuses on ultimate lightweight, modularity, multifunctionality, expandability, safety, solidity, and personalization. We aim for it to be lighter, more versatile and cool!
Explore the thoughtfully crafted details and innovative features – every nuance reflects our careful consideration. Feel the difference when you use it!

The bonfire stand is crucial and delightful for outdoor lives. Additionally, the straps on our backpack double as a bonfire chain. Paired with the S-hook we provide, you can easily hang a kettle over the bonfire.
The weight of professional tripods poses a dilemma for camping enthusiasts, but our gear offers a solution by easily transforming into a lightweight and stable tripod.
When the two rods are used separately, coupled with our rod tips, they can function as a simple walking stick (Not a substitute for professional walking stick).
We have designed an ultra-light, foldableand concealed hanging system, weighing only 30g. Cookware like pots and spatulas without hooks can be hung on the system, while outdoor cups and bowls with hooks can be suspended from the tabletop folds or the elastic rope below. This hanging system is intended to free up a complete tabletop space for users and enhance the stability of the table.
The bottomstainless steel hanging rope adopts a spiral design, serving a dual purpose of efficient storage and preventing items from sliding around. The unique elastic design allows users to retrieve and store items effortlessly without bending down, ensuring convenient access.
The folded area can be directly used for hanging, making it super easy to take things in and out while maintaining a neat tabletop anytime.
To enhance stability, we’ve incorporated a dedicated hook hole at the center of the table’s bottom. Users can secure it by driving a ground stakes first and then attaching it to the elastic rope, providing a more effortless adjustment than traditional wind ropes and allowing for easy fine-tuning of the position.
All utensils are connected to the table, eliminating the need to remove items from the table. Users can easily move the entire table without experiencing severe shaking or the risk of disassembling.
With the table folds and the hanging system below, users can easily move the entire table without having to remove items on top. There’s no need to worry about utensils slipping off.
The gears conveniently fits into backpacks with a capacity of 48 liters or more.
For easy portability and equipment protection, we’ve ingeniously designed a storage bag. Featuring a waterproof layer inside, it not only effectively safeguards your gear but also doubles as a cushion for outdoor seating.
HALOXEEN is a versatile companion, and we don’t want it to be stashed away in storage most of the time, like typical camping gear. Whether you’re on outdoor adventures, camping picnics, enjoying coffee in the backyard, or lounging on the indoor sofa, HALOXEEN is there to accompany you.
I’ve been a camping enthusiast for 20 years, often frustrated by the dilemma of carrying too much or too little equipment. During the pandemic, while exploring gear at home, I discovered the convenience of standardizing and combining racks, poles, and tables with interchangeable specifications.
This sparked my experimentation, leading to the integration of table, lamp stand, bonfire stand, and tripod functions into a unified product. Responding to friends’ requests, I further enhanced it by optimizing tabletop materials and reinforcing supporting components, resulting in the final product. Handcrafted batches were gifted to friends.
When it appeared like a Lego toy, friends loved it, finding it cool and lightweight. It can transform into different shapes and functions as needed in various situations, providing instant happiness in nature. I don’t want regrets due to missing equipment.
I participated in the 2023 Red Dot Concept Design Awards and was delighted to be the sole winner in the Travel category for outdoor gear (non-electrical). Now, I aim to share it with camping enthusiasts worldwide, exploring and discovering more possibilities together.
Regarding our logo, HALOXEEN combines Hydrogen (the lightest element), Aluminium (the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust), and Oxygen (the crucial elements of life). They represent our lightweight philosophy, excellent material choices, and our exploration of the meaning of life.