$1,020 raised out of $100,000
Start date
Feb 12, 2024
Close date
Apr 13, 2024

Activity kits and AI-powered digital solutions to improve memory and enhance brain health!


Short Summary

About me

I am Neelam, the founder of Enyi Health. I bring over two decades of expertise in product development spanning healthcare, safety wearables, and banking, complemented by an MBA from Purdue Krannert University. At Enyi Health, we focus on creating transformative solutions to manage dementia and improve elder care. Our mission is to pioneer cutting-edge technologies and services that enhance the quality of life for aging populations and their caregivers.

Why should you invest in Enyi Health?

Enyi Health has earned the honor of winning the Stanford LEAD incubator and accelerator program. We have learned from the collective expertise of Stanford’s acclaimed and award-winning educators. We are currently working with Alzheimer’s association to get inputs directly from the patients and understand the most critical needs. Additionally, we’ve already secured $20,000 in investments from early stage supportors, demonstrating confidence in our vision and potential for growth.



The Story behind Happiness Kits

We created these kits because of a personal experience. My uncle was diagnosed with dementia, and it had a huge impact on our entire family. We saw him change from a vibrant and a happy person into someone who wouldn’t speak and engage with anyone. We had to constantly find ways to keep him busy and engaged. My aunt, his care partner, was the unsung hero who took care of him day in and day out. She created an assortment of activities and games to keep him engaged and help his memory and cognition. And that’s when we realized that this is something that everyone with a diagnosis would need. That’s why we created happiness kits!

What are Happiness Kits and why should seniors and people diagnosed with dementia use them?

Happiness kits are physical kits that contain activites to help enhance brain health.  Studies featured in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2020 indicate that participation in arts and crafts is correlated with a reduced risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and enhance a range of cognitive functions, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, the study suggests that art therapy interventions can notably reduce levels of agitation and aggression among individuals with dementia.

What makes happiness kits unique?

Happiness kits are not just a random set of puzzles and games collated together. We have worked with early stage patients, care partners and dementia experts to offer a curated, sensory rich and structured routine with personalized, engaging activities, catering to diverse interests and cognitive abilities.

Every month, we include different activities in the happiness kits such as

  • Memory Journal with intuitive prompts
  • Word and numerical Puzzles
  • Connect the dots
  • Adult Coloring pages
  • Arts and crafts activities
  • Art supplies

Our kits provide several distinct advantages.

  1. These kits introduce variety and novelty into the routine, preventing participant boredom and enhancing engagement.
  2. The kits are a one stop solution and provide caregivers with a hassle-free solution, saving valuable time typically spent planning and organizing activities. With our kits, caregivers no longer need to scour various sources for puzzles, prints, art supplies, pencils, pens etc. Our goal is to simplify the process for caregivers and those diagnosed, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all involved.
  3. The kits include a survey that can be filled by the users and the caregivers. By regularly monitoring the responses, we want to ensure the ongoing relevance and effectiveness of the activities, creating a positive and enriching environment for everyone.

What We Need & What You Get

Happiness kits are just the beginning! We are also working on AI-powered solutions to help people detect signs of dementia, plan for the future and manage isolation and forgetfulness. Our goal is to empower our customers to lead independent, dignified lives with transformative AI-driven solutions for

  • Cognitive assessments
  • Brain stimulation
  • Smart glasses for facial recognition, speech assistance etc.
  • Reminiscence therapy
  • Fall detection
  • Companionship

We are seeking $100,000 in investment to support the production and distribution of Happiness Kits nationwide, as well as to develop the MVP of our digital solution. Additionally, this investment will facilitate the provision of support and educational services, including weekly meetups for patients and their caregivers.

The Impact

Experts say, dementia is the next global pandemic. 1 out of every 3 people is likely to be a patient or a caregiver. There are over 55 million people who are diagnosed with dementia globally. The annual global cost of dementia is above 1.3 trillion dollars. Despite these staggering figures, elder care remains severely overlooked. Factors such as loneliness, social isolation, and cognitive inactivity are identified as pivotal contributors to dementia onset. Compounding this issue, an increasing number of dementia patients face isolation and depression, while caregivers grapple with exhaustion and burnout.



How can you make a difference?

Your investment will play a crucial role in supporting the development and distribution of the Happiness Kits and advancing our digital platform. By aligning with our cause, you’re not simply providing financial support; you’re becoming a guiding force for individuals grappling with dementia. Every investment, regardless of size, has the potential to bring happiness and strengthen family bonds. So don’t wait! Be a part of our journey to help dementia patients live with dignity and keep their memories alive.


Elder care sector has historically been underinvested in, presenting challenges in securing funding for innovative solutions. This can be attributed to the demographic mismatch between investors, who are predominantly younger, and the target beneficiaries, the elderly population. Without firsthand experience, it can be difficult for investors to fully appreciate the market potential and societal importance of elder care solutions.

Our plan to solve them

We will invest a substantial portion of what you contribute in raising awareness about dementia. We would appreciate your help in spreading awareness about our solution via your social media channels.

To ensure that we have the right product-market fit, we are working with dementia experts and patients alike to test our products and get feedback before we launch the product to a wider audience. Connect with us if you would like to test the happiness kits or the digital products

Other Ways You Can Help

While securing capital is our pressing priority, we recognize that everyone has their own financial commitments, and investing in our company may not be feasible for you at this moment. But that does not stop you from contributing to our cause! You can raise awareness about our product by sharing our campaign with in your social circle. Your advocacy can make a significant difference in advancing our mission. 

Connect with Us

Neelam Dabholkar

Founder,  EnyiHealth

Website : https://www.enyihealth.com

LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/neelamds

