Help us complete our Harmony N the Hills Amphitheater in the mountains of Costa Rica.
The power of sound to heal is undeniable. Zen Way Foundation knows that well and introduces the our Harmony N the Hills outdoor amphitheater in Costa Rica.
Zen Way HeArt Center is a Retreat and Art Center. Zen Way is the steward of several acres of sacred land. We need your help to complete our Outdoor Amphitheater in the mountains of Costa Rica.
Imagine watching your favorite musicians perform in the majestic hills in the Central Valley of Costa Rica at an amphitheater carved out of the mountains at an elevation of 3,500 feet. Your only concern is enjoying the amazing 320 degree views and listening to your favorite band playing live in front of you.
We Need $98,200 to finish building the amphitheater and launch our first Show featuring Zion Collective Band
With your help as our backers, we can finish the details needed for the amphitheater.
Structural Needs:
- Band Shell
- Concrete Seats
- Stage
- Masonry Work
- Electrical Equipment Rental
- Finished Roads
Premier Launch Show Needs:
- Purchase travel tickets for the band
- Prepare the temporary accommodations for our band on the land
- Sound Equipment Rental
- Hire necessary Staffing
- A lot of back-end operations have been paid for; however, we still have more to go in order to finalize our show
- Finalizing Landscaping
- Securing local transportation
- Providing Security

No good deed goes unnoticed!
The Impact of your Support:
This project has a bit of urgency as we need to maximize the dry summer months to complete the details and building of the Band-Shell to get ready for our premier launch in March 2022—We have been given an incredible opportunity to premier this amazing Band, Zion Collective, who is graciously coming to give a rare performance in the Hills. Costa Rica is already a leading destination in sustainability, healing, and wellness, so it makes sense to include high-vibrational sounds to this inspiring setting. This experience will further encourage healing, joy, and a lifetime of memories. This Indiegogo campaign allows Zen Way HeArt Center to complete its building goals.
This campaign is so important for us. It is imperative for us to raise the funds to complete this project. The Creators of this project are artists themselves and have poured into this project all they have financially, emotionally, and hundreds of hours of sweat equity. Your support will make this Amphitheater not only possible for us. But also for the artists, to offer intimate experiences free-of- COVID19- worries surrounded by pure beauty. We are bringing a completely new concept and partnership to the world of live music. A concept that benefits the Artist and the Supporters. This venue allows Artist to offer more programing to the audience. Such as workshops, the ability to have small talks, and Q&A sessions in a venue surrounded by nature and peace.
Zion Collective Launches
Harmony N the Hills Amphitheater
Thank you to our first guest artist the amazing band Zion Collective Band a seasoned ensemble of veteran musicians with lead singer, internationally known artist Simrit.
With the support of Zion Collective Band, we are holding an exclusive launch show in Costa Rica to launch our Harmony N the Hills Amphitheater in March 2022. This performance will provide exposure and help us raise the funds needed to complete the amphitheater.
Zion Collective has generously donated their time and love to help us reach our funding goal with our Indiegogo Campaign by offering a private performance for some of the key supporters to our campaign.
Zion Collective is known for disseminating healing vibrations through their music and they will be doing that throughout the hills and valleys of Costa Rica at our first premier show at Harmony N the Hills.
Meet the Band:
What we have accomplished:
- March 2020: the land was purchased before the close of the Country for COVID
- October 2020 – January 2021, Land demolition & infrastructure partially completed
- March 2020: Clear remaining burnt bamboo & wild grass on the amphitheater plot
- June 2021: Landscaping & Planted Food Forest
August 2021: Built the Amphitheater
With your support what we will accomplish:
- October 2021: Indiegogo Campaign Launches to raise the funds
- December 2021–Feb 2022: We can complete the construction work
End of March 2022: Opening weekend premier Zion Collective Band
Risks & Challenges
• One of our greatest challenges can be weather (However, the Indiegogo Campaign end date allows us to build during dry season)
• Another challenge is maintaining our building crew. Having the budget available allows for building and work to be consistent for our construction crew to stay on board.
Other Ways You Can Help
Everyone can support. Any amount will help. If you are not in a position to donate monetarily please feel free to share this campaign with your social networks this will help us tremendously to meet our goal.