$1 raised out of $82,000

Podcast that challenges queer stereotypes and stigma with storytelling and humor.

Stonewall Inn

As a Buddhist, I believe in social justice.  I strive in all areas in my life to fight for this!  As a queer, bisexual clinical psychologist LGBTQplus activism is especially important to me. 

I have a group private practice that strives to achieve social justice, and over 50% of our clients are from the LGBTQplus community; however, this just wasn’t enough to meet the activism need within me.  I wanted to do more! Of course, I have a type A personality and am an overachiever, I am always trying to achieve more, LOL!

And so, Hello Wonderful Podcast was born from this need.  Hello Wonderful is definitely  one of my babies and expresses my passion to help the LGBTQplus community by challenging what “Queer” means.  

I do this through storytelling and humor.   I think that there is a certain perception the general cishet community may have about the “queer” community, thanks to the media.  Much stigma and stereotypes have been developed from media, religion, etc. Having listeners of the podcast hear the stories of the queer individuals help break the stigma and stereotypes of what “queer” means.  Storytelling is powerful.  It allows the listeners to connect with the narrator, with their emotions and experiences. 

I believe it is so important for “Queer”, “LGBTQplus”, “LGBTQIA”, especially now during this time of political upset, to be understood as “HUMAN”. We are often politically and socially ostricized as these “things” that can be bullied, hurt, harmed, talked about, forgotten, tossed aside, walked on.  Queer people are human. Lets fight together so that people hear and remember this.

By having funds for Hello Wonderful, I will be able to have assistance in editing and marketing the podcast and promoting activism. Right now I am running a one-person show and having a one-person party (so I need to invite some people to the fun!).  I a need a team to make the podcast’s louder for more people to hear it.  
