$260 raised out of $75,000
Start date
Jun 02, 2024
Close date
Aug 02, 2024

The Comic Book Legend Comes to Life in our Thrilling Non Profit Fan Film!


Short Summary

The tale of a young sheriff who dives face-first into the seedy underground world of prostitution in 1975 Washington DC on a rampage to find the truth about her little sister’s murder; a mystery that leads her to the White House.​

Created by Zach Bliss

Directed by Tim Russ

Based on the Comic Books by Megan Abbott and Alison Gaylen

Why Support Us:

“Normandy Gold” is more than just a fan film — it’s a journey into the heart of human resilience, justice, and the unyielding pursuit of truth. With your support, we aim to bring this riveting story to life on the big screen. Led by acclaimed director Tim Russ and fueled by the visionary storytelling of creator Zach Bliss, “Normandy Gold” promises to captivate audiences with its blend of gripping noir, pulse-pounding action, and thought-provoking drama.

As we prepare to launch our campaign and unveil the trailer for our upcoming short film, we are honored to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Normandy. Our main character, Normandy Gold, is an iconic homage to this historic event and the sacrifices made for liberation and freedom. Through our film, we aim to salute the bravery and resilience of those who fought for what was right — no matter what it cost them. We believe you’ll recognize these similar characteristics in our film’s hero. 

Your Contribution:

By backing our campaign, you’re not just funding us; you’re becoming a vital part of our creative journey. Your support will enable us to assemble a talented cast and crew, secure essential production resources, and ensure that every frame of “Normandy Gold” shines with the intensity it deserves. Together, we can turn this captivating graphic novel into an unforgettable full length feature film.

Budget Breakdown

– $8,200 – PRODUCTION & POST PRODUCTION (editing & sound)

– $2,500 – LINE PRODUCER

– $4,300 – Premiere Screening (theater, red carpet host, marketing promo)

– $50,000 – to approach Jordan Michael about being our “Showrunner.”

About the Team:

“Normandy Gold” brings together a powerhouse team of creatives, including director Tim Russ, starring acclaimed actresses Madison Russ, Susan Lavelle, Kathryn Hollis Peters, and actress and social media star, Rachel Pizzolato. Based on the acclaimed comic books by Megan Abbott and Alison Gaylen, the non-profit fan film of “Normandy Gold” promises to deliver a cinematic experience unlike any other.

Join Us!

Are you ready to dive headfirst into the seedy underbelly of 1975 Washington DC? Join us on this exhilarating journey as we bring “Normandy Gold” to life on the big screen. With your support, we can turn this thrilling vision into a reality and share it with audiences around the world. Back our campaign today and be a part of something truly special!

Other Ways You Can Help

We understand that not everyone can contribute financially, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still play a crucial role in bringing legends to life! Here’s how you can help:

Share, Share, Share: Spread the word about our campaign far and wide! Whether it’s through social media, email, or good old-fashioned word of mouth, every share helps us reach new supporters and brings us one step closer to our goal.

Use Indiegogo’s Share Tools: Did you know that Indiegogo has built-in tools to help you spread the word effortlessly? Simply click the “Share” button on our campaign page to share it directly to your favorite social media platforms or via email. It’s quick, easy, and incredibly effective!

Get Creative: Have a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel? Consider featuring “Normandy Gold” in your content! Creative collaborations and shoutouts can introduce our campaign to whole new audiences.

Every share, like, and mention counts, so let’s piece some history together and bring “Normandy Gold” to the world!

Visit our website

Click for our Interview with the Inscriber Magazine

Click for our Interview with the Cine Talk

