We’re optimists. We’re crazy cool. We’re building something new to improve people’s work lives.
We are the world.
Are you singing the lyrics in your head? Me too. My favorite part of the song is:
“We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving”.
That’s our goal.
Make workplaces brighter and encourage you to give to this fundraiser. Is that one goal or two? I think it’s two, well… you get the point.
Hopefully, you’re still reading (if you’re still singing that’s okay too).
Alright, now that you know our goal let me tell you about Culture Booster and how we got started.
Homes are like workplaces.
When I was a toddler and pre-schooler my brother and I lived in foster homes. Most of the homes were unkind, uncaring, and some were even abusive.
Then we got lucky.
My parents adopted us and gave us a love-filled home and childhood.
Let’s fast forward time.
It’s now my working years. I’ve learned that workplaces – like the different homes I grew up in – vary from healthy to unhealthy in how they approach their employees. An idea was born. Can I transform workplaces through technology?
The answer is “Yes, if.” If they have the right tools and support. Having discovered the right tools and the confidence we can provide the right support, I started Culture Booster.
Ideas are easy, execution is everything and anything worth doing takes a team to win.
If you ever email me, that quote is at the bottom of my messages.
Two years ago, is when I first put this idea in motion. I hired a team in India. They kicked things off with a great prototype and took the platform as far as they could.
To increase speed and solve complex problems I needed to find a co-founder.
I got lucky again.
I recruited a full-time founder and we’ve made good progress together. Because of that progress this past Fall, we were accepted to BETA.mn.
Beta.mn is a program for high potential tech companies.
Help us get lucky, again
To reach our next milestone, which is to “go to market with our enterprise-level design and features” we will need some help. What kind of help?
- Developer
- Sales Materials
- Marketing Content
- Legal Stuff
This is where you come in. Monetary input will help us make it to the finish line.
Project Budget
Here’s the breakdown:
- Making
- Development ($80,200)
- Marketing ($30,000)
- Legal ($7,500)
- Sales ($5,000)
- Taxes and Fees
- Margin of Error ($12,270)
- Indigogo Fees ($7,500)
- Payment Processing ($7,500)
Total: $149,970
The Impact
This is a make it or break it point in our journey. Starting a tech company is a bit like double dutch. If you jump too soon, the market won’t be ready. If you jump too late the market will have passed you up. We’re at the sweet spot, where the market is ready for our services. However if we don’t develop fast enough the market will pass us by.
Risks & Challenges
90% of startups fail. We believe wholeheartedly we’re in the 10% that are successful but we want you to know the stats.
Other Ways You Can Help
We know not everyone is able to contribute monetarily, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help. Here are some ways to help us:
- Get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
- Use the Indiegogo share tools!
So here’s the ask, take a look at the rewards on the side and give.
Yes, I’m biased, but I think it will be the best donation you’ve made this year.
Cheers to making the world brighter through better workplaces,