Help my family.
Hi there! (Turkce icin asagiya kaydirin)
My name is Ulku Kilcak. I’m from Hatay, Turkey. My beautiful hometown was devastated by the February 6 earthquake. My whole family and cousins (around 30 people) lost their homes. They have no place to stay. For a while, they stayed in their cars or tents. Right now, they’re temporarily staying in a hotel. They need your urgent support to recover from the effects of the disaster. I appreciate any amount of your contribution.
Ben Ulku Kilcak. Hatay’liyim. Guzel sehirimiz 6 Subat depreminde cok agir kayiplar verdi. Benim tum ailem ve kuzenlerim (cocuklarla beraber 30 kisi civari) de evlerini kaybettiler. Kalacak yerleri kalmadi. Bir sure arabada ve cadirda yasadilar. Suan gecici olarak otelde kaliyorlar. Onlarin hayatlarina devam edebilmeleri icin yardimlarinizi istirham ediyorum.
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