Expand our roasting capabilities and our mission of establishing lasting hope
For a long time we have wanted to establish our roasting operation in Lansing. In fact, that is why we opened the Old Town store over 5 years ago. After years of circumstances getting in the way of that goal, we are finally moving things forward. Our good friend, and Old Town Barista, Solo Brooks is ready to dive in and continue our fan favorite roasts, and create some amazing new signature roasts of his own with us!
Our goal with this campaign is to launch this with excellence, and without adding debt, to keep us on track with our goal of becoming a debt free business. This is where you all come in. We are looking at about $60,000 to $100,000 to get this established and stable. Our goal is to raise this amount through our community simply buying up front what you’d normally be buying. We will throw in a little Blue Owl Coffee Swag as well!
If 300 people join in the launch of this idea we will be able to reach, not only, our company goal, but also prove out our mission of establishing others to reach theirs as well. We wanted this to be as simple as possible for all involved. We are only offering one package option to insure everyone involved can enjoy this process with us. $200 gets you 6 bags of Blue Owl Coffee, a Blue Owl Hoodie, and 10-$5 off loyalty rewards added to your in store account. Fulfillment of these orders will begin on May 1st after the campaign closes and roasting has begun in full.
Help us be exactly what we promised for our community and enjoy great coffee along the way! Thanks so much friends!