National rewards points system that takes back hunting property or provides more hunting locations.
Short Summary
Urban Archery Outfitters is the trendsetting platform with a mission. We are acquiring hunting property across the country that traditionally has not been hunted. Our focus is on nonprofit controlled property, government, municipalities, and larger commercial industrial undeveloped urban markets.
Overcrowding on hunting property. Losing leased property. Fewer places to hunt. A tech platform that gives you great places to hunt at no cash upfront cost.
Our movement is gaining traction in large parcels of nonprofit control property and areas with game animal depredation to farmers. This has us moving in the direction of rural properties possibly being available for the 2023 season.
What We Need & What You Get
We need the average American hunter to know, believe, and understand what and why we are building the mission and vision.
We need a heavy volume of hunters who want and desire to “TAKE IT BACK”. Hunters who see the trend and where it is moving. We need hunters who have a passion for the sport and desire the opportunity to hunt in multiple places.
Being a part of our community and a user of our app provides you the opportunity to hunt on many properties in a season with just the use of reward points to gain access.
ALL SUBSCRIBERS AND APP USERS are members of the standard reward point cards. They will receive a blue card in the mail shortly after signup on the platform as a service. The reward points provided are basic.
The Impact
TIMELINE for 2023 Launch
OUR APP and features and what it will look like. (In development; estimated release date August 2023)
Our app launch for 2023:
* Start a profile page
* Review your Big Game Buck account
* View properties
* View trail camera pictures and videos on properties
* Calendar of available hunting dates
* List by state, county, municipality – Season, tag requirements, license requirements
* Earn Big Game Buck reward points through various features
* Purchase merchandise awarding Big Game Bucks
* View media content that awards Big Game Bucks
* Bid on hunt dates to book available properties
Risks & Challenges
COMPETITION – Larger entities that are in it for the money can duplicate our vision and drive it further into a “Rich Man’s” agenda. They can copy our vision and only host properties to the highest bidder in cash.
Strength is in our numbers.
Sign up today at www.urbanarcheryoutfitters.com
Other Ways You Can Help
Join our social media platforms and ‘Share’ our content! Share with your friends! Share with the world! …Earn BIG GAME BUCKS!
Every social media platform has a share feature, retweet, or similar function. The Share feature allows us to see who shared and this is how you earn points to hunt.
Our social media trackers find who is actively involved in our movement. They see who shares content and we deposit 1000 Big Game Bucks into your account. Make sure you have joined or followed our social media sites beforehand. We can’t award you points if we don’t have a record of you joining.
Also, if you have another individual join our social media accounts. They post “I was referred to by (your name)” and YOU earn 1000 Big Game Buck points to hunt on a property in 2023. Just make sure you are a member and they type your REAL NAME and not (your name).
And that’s all there is to it.