$552,982 raised out of $20,000
Start date
Jun 16, 2021
Close date
Jun 17, 2021

More fitness, less equipment. Unlock an entire gym’s worth of workouts with only your dumbbells.





HYPERBELL was designed to maximize your workout, while minimizing the amount of space and money you spend. HYPERBELL transforms your dumbbells into a loaded gym—no need to buy plates, curl bars, kettlebells, and macebells. Create the ultimate home gym for 1/10th of the cost!


Don’t get stuck doing the same exercises over and over. Unlock an entire gym’s worth of equipment with HYPERBELL. Think of it as the Swiss Army Knife for your gym. The kettlebell handle and bar are interchangeable so you can quickly swap them in and out to maximize your workout, change up your exercises, and get better results.  



HYPERBELL is simple. It clamps on to nearly any dumbbell (or adjustable dumbbell) in a matter of seconds.  When using the kettlebell handle, you can keep it parallel with the dumbbell for exercises such as cleans, or you can lock in a perpendicular position for swings. No more banging the dumbbell into your legs while doing swings. 


We built HYPERBELL to be as tough as you are, so you can flip it, rack it, and drop it. We over-built and over-designed it to withstand any workout. Each clamp can hold up to 100 lbs, which means the kettlebell attachment holds up to 100 lbs and the bar holds up to 200 lbs (100 lbs on each side). The clamp and collar are made from polycarbonate which is the same material used in bulletproof glass, riot shields, and other safety products. It is some of the toughest material available. 



(Video above) – Trying (and failing) to break HYPERBELL. *Sledgehammer is for demonstration only and not an intended purpose. 






