Hi My most important work is my life story. I want to tell this so i can help other women who are in the same boat overcome and move on
Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read about my project. So, about a year and a half ago I decided to write a story. Its not just any story, but a story about my life. You see Ive been through quite a bit in the little time ive actually been here. From abuse, to having a child out of wedlock to a loveless marriage full of even more abuse, its been a nightmare. A nightmare i cannot wake up from. I feel trapped, helpeless just stuck. Unfortunately alot of women go through this same thing. I wanted my experiences to help other women see that they can overcome this and move on in life and that they have choices. I know its not easy, but if my story can help even one person, its worth it. It took alot for me to not feel worthless, useless, ugly stupid, the list goes on and on. But if i can get out, so can they! I hope that this sounds like something of interest to you and i appreciate the support. Thanks again!