Step into the darkness of the often misunderstood relationship phenomenon of narcissism.
Dear movie fans,
We are thrilled to reveal to you our brand-new feature film project: A docu-fiction with a length of more than 80 minutes about narcissistic relationship dynamics and those who survived it.
3 lives, 3 stories… and one thing in common
Step into the darkness of the often misunderstood relationship phenomenon of narcissism and those that have survived it. We follow the lives of three survivors as they narrate their tragic experiences with a narcissistic partner.
We discover how Michael’s innocent longing for the perfect relationship makes him fall head over heels for a mesmerizing woman – only to find out that she comes from an affluent family of narcissists. And she turns out to be one of them.
Next we meet Sophia, a desperate foreigner, who wants to live her dream to stay in Germany and blindly trusts a man using her dream against her by keeping her as his property.
Last, we go darker with an aspiring actress who is manipulated by a famed casting director with a dark secret.
As you follow these 3 stories based on true events, our experts and psychologists enlighten you in interviews about the complexity and the dangers of a relationship with a narcissist.
Why tell this story?
Most people underestimate the extent to which a person can be influenced when they fall in love. And haven’t we all experienced that at some point?
Falling for a narcissist can happen to all of us, no matter where we come from or what our age, sex or relationship style is.
Initially, a relationship with a narcissist appears perfect and almost too good to be true.
In the beginning, the narcissist may seem loving and honest but once they feel safe and secure in their relationship, the manipulation begins. It starts slowly with subtle hints and includes criticism, passive-aggressiveness and gaslighting, all aimed to make you feel small and doubt yourself. Then, it might evolve to more aggression and can even go so far as to become physically violent. At this point, breaking can seem impossible due to the presence of love or perhaps even a kind of dependency.
With your contribution we want to show how easy it is to fall into the web of a narcissist and how difficult it would be for anyone in this situation to break out. With the help of our experts, we want to highlight the early warning signs that can give you a hint for being with a narcissist and want to point out the places you could potentially get support once you identified a narcissist amongst your loved ones.
Additionally, we want to remind our audience that it has value to set your own boundaries in your relationships. Not only that, it is needed to set boundaries and stand up for yourself and this reminder also goes for personal relationships outside of romantic relationships such as in the workplace, in schools or in families.
Why docu-fiction, you ask?
We asked ourselves the same question. What we wanted to do is creating something new for this topic that currently is extremely popular. People love watching documentaries but what we saw happening is that the audience seemingly took a distant perspective towards the protagonists, having a hard time to emotionally identify what journey the interviewees had been on. This allows a tendency for the audience to develop a swift judgement and conclude: “This would have never happened to me” or “How could this person be so stupid?”. This is exactly what we want to avoid. The fictional characters based on the real-life accounts of our interview partners, will help create closeness to you as the audience and help you identify with their journey and emphasize that everyone could be susceptible to narcissistic manipulation. Additionally, bringing our interviewees’ stories into a fictional world protects our interviewees from being judged and victim blamed for what they have been going through.
At the same time, we do not want to lose the seriousness and complexity of the topic and that is why our experts interviews accompanying the 3 stories are essential.
This storytelling approach is meant to comprehensively explore the topic of narcissistic relationship dynamics, ensuring that all perspectives are considered to foster clarity and transparency.
Meet the team!
We are pleased that you are interested in our project. We are AlefCine Pictures . A young yet fast-growing production company in Berlin, active since 2022. With extensive international networks, our primary goal is to produce impactful and commercially high-quality feature films for the global market. With your support, our goal is to shed light on the topic of narcissism, bringing it out of obscurity and into the spotlight.
You can meet the team of this project on our Instagram account here:
I Love You My Narcissist – Instagram
Get Involved and Be Rewarded!
We have a number of amazing perks waiting for you. We know that we can’t make this project happen without you. That’s why we do not only want to give you our deepest gratitude but prepared exciting rewards for you. So, have a look and choose what suits you best!
Please note that some of the perks will be sent to you as soon as the crowdfunding is finished and some will be given to you after the film is finished.
Please also be aware that our crowdfunding is flexible, allowing us to continue with the film even if we don’t reach the entire crowdfunding goal. This ensures that we can still move forward with the project and grant you your perks, even in the unfortunate event that the full goal is not achieved.
Current Progression and Budget Breakdown
Our treatment is ready to be developed into a screenplay and our main cast is already attached and waiting to go!
We have a total budget of over 1.1 million Euros for the whole production of this docu-fiction. At the moment, we are in need of 72.365 € (99.300 € incl. tax, fees and indiegogo fees) to cover the necessary costs to prepare the project, deepen our research and put together the financing to cover the total budget. As you may know, every good film starts with a good script!
We will use the donated money to pay our writer to develop the screenplay. Simultaneously, we will dive deeper into our research and engage experts and psychologists to be interviewed for our production. A part of the money will go to location scouting and to legal preparations of the production such as clearance.
To get fully financed for the whole production, we also need to make investors aware of our project. Therefore, we are planning some investment events as well as film premieres and invite possible investors to pitch our projects to them and get them interested.
For you to get a clear vision of our budget, we attached our budget breakdown below and in case that still leaves you with any open questions, then we are happy to discuss them with you!
With your donation you will play an important part in making this production happen and support us in giving the topic of narcissistic abuse in relationships the attention it deserves!
Risks & Challenges
Supporting a film is speculative and inherently risky. There can be no assurance of the economic success of any crowdfunding campaign, since the money backed from the crowdfunding of a film primarily depends on its acceptance by the public, which cannot be predicted. The success of a crowdfunding also depends on the quality and acceptance of other competing projects released into the fundraising platforms at or near the same time, general economic factors, and other tangible and intangible factors, all of which can change and cannot be predicted with certainty.
The film industry in general, and financing a film in particular, are continuing to undergo significant changes, primarily due to economical developments. In addition, the success of a film remains a crucial factor in getting the financing from other resources. Due to the rapid growth of production costs, shifting consumer tastes, and the popularity and availability of other forms of entertainment, it is impossible to predict the overall effect these factors will have on the potential financing from and making of feature-length film.
In order to prosper, the success of the film will depend partly upon the ability of management to produce a film of exceptional quality at a lower cost that can compete in appeal with high-budgeted films of the same genre. In order to minimize this risk, management plans to participate as much as possible throughout the process and will aim to mitigate financial risks where possible. Fulfilling this goal depends on the timing of investors’ financing, the ability to obtain distribution contracts with satisfactory terms, and the continued participation of the current management.