$6 raised out of $50,000

The ancient Greek mythological story with a new, sci-fi take.


   We all know the story where Icarus flew too high and his wings melted, resulting in his fall to death. In this book the writer reveals the true story behind – Icarus flew so high that he discovered a hidden floating island with a modern civilization.

   I’m raising funds for the costs of publishing my book, called Icarus. The story mixes the ancient mythology with a sci-fi type, futuristic line. I spent a lot of time bringing the modern story of Icarus to life and I am excited to share it with everyone.

   This will be the first book that I publish and I will use the knowledge and part of the profit to help others release their own books. 

   The success of this fundraising can accelerate my career as a writer. I have many stories to tell with exciting plots and twists.

   The book cover is not finalized yet and also the book text needs to be edited by a native English professional. The final product is expected to be ready in the end of March 2020.

   There is also future possibility of releasing the audiobook of Icarus, if funds allow.
