A personal development book.
Who am I?
My name is Adrián Luna, among other things, I’m a passionate writer, to myself, to my friends, and soon, to the open world. Since I was a kid I found a passion in writting while imagining all my little stories in my head. Actually, I’ve written around 4-5 stories, of course they weren’t written with the same mindset and abilities due tu my lack of experience in my earlies teenages. Nowadays with my increased and improved experience, I’m writting diverse kind of books, from fiction stories (with psychologically analyzed character behavior) to personal developing books, financial books, and some sort of type I like to call “epiphany books”.
What am I planning to make?
This book called “I’m millionaire and still not happy” is a personal development book, it mainly shows you that when people say “money doesn’t buy happiness”, they’re wrong, but also, that they´re right. This is because the real answer of happiness is a big fat massive grey between the petty black and white answers called right and wrong. It also shows how nowadays, it has become so easy to become a millionaire but however it is, it’s not the answer…
In it I use my experience and the experience of the ones I’ve learned from to maximize the knowledge found in it.
Why do I care?/Where did this project come from?
That’s actually one of the easy questions for me, my passion of having people knowing their source of happiness comes through all my childhood, I’ll explain it quickly…
All te people that surrounded me since a kid were people visibly unhappy and mad about the fact that they weren´t happy, blaming others for their lack of happiness and saying that only a few lucky ones were worthy to live a life of happiness. Guess what, I said no, so after many years in which I went through a dreadful depression (this will be seen in the book too) in search of happiness, I found out the “key” of happiness, and it felt and feels so good to finally know it that I can’t wait to capture it into a book.
What’s the plan/schedule?
According to my team and the editorial I’m asociated with, between the date that this project is completely funded and the shipping date, due to the process of writing, designing and printing, it should be taking around 4 months. We´ll be working to complete it much before, but we agreed to put midle expectations in order to not fail to our backers and future buyers. Also we want to make the book available in many libraries around the world.
Let’s talk about money.
The fund goal have been thoroughly reviewed by my team and I, and we set the exact goal of MXN $ 264,600 / ~ US $ 11,864.35 which comes with the fund of at least 530 books. Of course, we have the capability of producing thousands, but this is the minimum to cover the payment of all the people/companies behind this project.
Inspired by:
-Adrián Luna, and the team behind this project ♡